
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Ya ain't neva had a friend like me! Yrrgghhrrrrrghhryyyy!
It's a typical Thursday night in December: I have Hanson's "Snowed In" album on blast, and I'm singing along, louder than Taylor, while forcing my dog to dance with me. Husband has escaped to the kitchen, to pour yet another glass of wine (Was that a shudder?). It's Christmas time!

Last holiday season, I overloaded my calendar by saying yes to every invite that came my way. The dates were smothered in gatherings, obligations and so much "holiday cheer" that I was ready to choke someone out with a holiday doily.

Now that I'm older and wiser (and married), I'm being a bit more mindful of my sanity (because we all know that affects husband's sanity, and we can't have two Grinches during the holidays). I still want to get all merry and shit with everyone, but I also want to prioritize "us" time, since this is our first Christmas as husband and wife.

So I decided to host one holiday party with our friends this season, and that's it. I’m making folks come to us, rather than running around and trying to make everyone else's Christmas parties (sorry friends - your turn to run amok). And we're not just having any holiday party; we're having an Ugly Sweater/Wine and Cheese party! (And get a load of these earrings I found to match my sweater - practically stolen off the lobes of your Nanna!)

The only time of year to hang felt balls from your head. That's the next rule after: Don't wear white past Labor Day.
The result? I’m actually enjoying the holiday season rather than counting down until the New Year. I’ve even tuned the radio in my car (and Husband’s) to the 24-hour Christmas music station. Yup -- I’m that obnoxious.

But I can’t say Husband isn’t enjoying the holidays -- he actually participated in decorating our Charlie Brown tree for the first time this year since he finally had some of his own ornaments to display. His mom was very quick to send Chewbacca home with us so that it never touched the limbs of her holiday foliage again. Chewy's displayed on our tree right next to the childhood ornament my own mother loathed for years -- Genie from Aladdin.

Now, Chewbacca and Genie are best friends and are total Christmas staples in our household. They can experience the holidays in a home that not only accepts their holiday status, but also celebrates it. And the best part is that we'll never have to vote on whether or not they have the right to unite with the tree.

This holiday season is full of acceptance; acceptance of previously shunned ornaments, acceptance of limits, and accepting that saying yes to everything is the fastest way to become a career alcoholic.

Fun fact: In writing this article, my browser history would have revealed Google searches for doily, nanna, chewbacca, and "how to spell wookie sounds." Only that combination could ever be found on this blog.  Merry Christmas!