
When you wish upon a star...

Many of you know that I have boldly declared to postpone anything resembling childbearing since having a puppy. Well now, I have an official to-do list before anything obstructs my uterus. (I promise I do have motherly instincts...somewhere). Besides getting hitched, I have a long list of places we need to travel before I start to really settle down. I am publishing this so that all of YOU hold me accountable. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you!

I haven't been anywhere outside of the US since 2006, when I traveled to Ghana, Africa - a life changing experience, even in the three short weeks I was there. Even though my African experience included a trip to the hospital and an IV drip, let's hope that doesn't happen in any of the following destinations:

  • SPAIN - My boyfriend's sister is moving here for the second time, and we seriously need to go visit her on the beaches of Andalucia next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a reality in the near-ish future!
  • SOUTH AFRICA - While we're on that side of the world, might as well take a trip down south to visit my old college roommate. I'd love to see another part of Africa!
  • JAPAN- I have some awesome relatives that I need to go pay a visit to. I also need to see the birthplace of Hello Kitty and Cajun flavored Ramen noodles.
  • ITALY - I just love carbs. That's all. Carbocide 2012 here I come!
  • ENGLAND - I guess I could catch up with my snaggle-toothed ancestors.
  • AUSTRALIA - My boyfriend has some more wonderful family connections in Queensland that we fully intend to take advantage of. I want to talk about boots, sheilas, trolleys, barbies and whatever other slang words they say down there. Like a true native. 
  • GREECE - It just looks absolutely breathtaking and I'm a huge fan of hummus. And pita. I feel carbocide 2013 coming on.
  • JAMAICA - yah mon.
  • SOUTH PACIFIC - My boyfriend got to pick this one and I'm not letting him go without me!
  • KONA/HILO, HAWAII -I need to venture out to the Big Island one day so I can see some relatives that I tend to deny. I'm only 1/16th Hawaiian, but I get irritated when people say, "Oh I really see the Hawaiian in you!" No you see the Black in me. And then they say, "Oh I would have never guessed that. You don't act Black!" This could turn into a whole different blog if I don't stop it right here.All I have to say is ignorant!
  • NEW YORK - This had a thumbtack in it on my map at home. It was the place I was going to live when I busted out of Mom and Dad's house. I busted out to Bellingham and not Manhattan. Same diff.
  • FIJI - I had a poster of a red and orange sunset in Fiji that was on my dorm room wall. I fully intent on seeing this in the flesh.
  • DISNEYWORLD, FLORIDA (HALF MARATHON) - I want to run with Mickey!! I'd also be interested in doing the Disney Princess Half as well... you get a Tiffany's necklace at the end of that! I call dibs on dressing up like Jasmine or Pocahontas. Their outfits (aka hammer pants and leather) would be the easiest to run 13.1 miles in :) Then after running all morning, I could ride all the rides and pray my severe motion sickness doesn't kick in. I know. I'm afflicted. But you can't NOT ride the rides at Disneyworld!!
Alright Sticks and Stoners - you have a job to do. If you don't see me update this with anything mentioning any travel of the above plans within the next year, you have some serious heckling to do. I'm cereal. No joke.  I'm also going to need a good dog sitter. Preferably one that is willing to work pro bono ;o)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I refuse to see the world through a camera lens. I will live it! 

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