

Hi Sticks and Stoners,
I am going to be taking a hiatus from blogging (if you haven't noticed my lack of updating). I have way too much on my plate right now, and I'm sorry to have to cut blogging from my to-do list, but it's pretty near impossible with the way my schedule is going. Work has been insane, I'm taking a web design class that sucks up my Wednesday evenings, and the homework for it sucks up any other moment outside of work and physical therapy. If you'd like to subscribe to my blog via the RSS feed, you will be notified once things slow down a bit.

Sadly yours,


  1. Aw, this makes me sad, but I can't wait for your updates once things slow down! Or to see your new web design knowledge in action!

  2. This totally sucks! Now I have to keep up with you on Facebook!
