
Si se puede!

This has got to be the most frightening rendition of Humpty that I've ever seen. Image from here.
Good news! I may not be banned from running forever after all. I went to see my orthopedic surgeon today (who is now my new bff) and he gave me a set of exercises to start my rehabilitation: Three different stretches and a series of stationary bike workouts. The ultimate goal is to be able to bike for 30 minutes without pain, and then advance to the elliptical. This whole process will take four months (which is a bit agonizing to me, being that I would train for a half marathon in less time than that). My first workout (tomorrow) will be a whopping 10 minutes long. But, you gotta start somewhere. And I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to haul my gym bag around again.

My new bff asked, “What are your fitness goals? How active do you want to be?”

I said, “Well, I know it’s preferred that I stick to more low-impact activities, but I really would like to get back to running if I could.”

He said, “Yes, we do recommend low impact activities, but if you want to get back into running, we can make that happen. Let’s see how you are doing at the four-month mark and if you’re ready, I can give you a new set of exercises to begin preparing your muscles for running again.”

MUSIC TO MY EARS! The hills are aliiiiive with the sound of wheezing from a person who hasn't run in a long time.

Although, I have to say, I don’t plan to do anything more than the occasional 5k. The amount of running needed to train for a half marathon is just too much for my old lady hips to take. I don’t want to ever have to go through hip surgery again, but I do want to feel the exhilaration of crossing a finish line. I miss that adrenaline rush more than anything. I also miss fitting into a decently-sized pair of jeans. I want nothing more than to bury my new jeans fat girl pants in the corner of my closet, never to be seen again.

Of course, before I left my appointment I tripped and caught myself right in front of the doctor, who said, “Oh no. Don’t do that now.” A warning not to derail my recovery.

My new bff hasn’t known me all that long to realize that tripping and displaying a complete lack of grace is only my nature. Sigh. Let’s hope I don’t get the best myself before any of this rehab can commence.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will see to it that humpty dumpty can be put back together again.

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