
Bad dog....owners!

 Don't worry. This isn't our pup.

Oh the joys of training a puppy. The adventures have definitely begun. Among other things, Bowser has discovered the joys of chewing on clothing, my hair, Doc Martins, and a surge protector (don't worry - it was unplugged and we took it away).

We've attempted to begin socializing him with other dogs, which to date, has not gone so well. He tried to attack our friend's pug, who couldn't help but wheeze and snot in Bowser's face. Bow-wow barks at German Shepards as though he could take on a dog ten times his size, but yet he is deathly afraid of Chihuahuas.

Today, we decided to go on a walk with with my co-worker and her dog Libby, a yellow lab. Libby walks well on a leash, obeys when you say sit, and comes when you call her. Bowser, goes outside to do his business and sit in the grass. There is no such thing as walking Bowser. He stays sitting in a spot until he feels like moving, or until I pick him up. So much for being a running partner. I had to coax him the five inches he did walk. This not usual for Bowser. Once he's done walking, he comes inside the house for play time, consisting of running wildly around the house and terrorizing his chew toys. He tends to choose this time to bite us too.

To help with his disciplinary training, my boyfriend bought some bitter grapefruit spray to keep him from biting us and chewing other household items. My boyfriend decided to see how bitter the spray was, by putting some on his hand and proceeding to lick it. Before I go on, I must note that he is a college-educated man. He immediately tried spitting it out, and even after washing his hands he could still taste it. Why anyone would try out bitter dog spray is beyond me.

After I proceeded to make fun of him, and the banter died down, we ate a delicious dinner, which he cooked. To thank him for his cooking, I got up to kiss him. And then I tasted something awful on my lips."Yuck. There something nasty on my lips." I said.

Bitter dog spray!

Before we even had a chance to spray Bowser's mouth for bad behavior, my boyfriend and I both got punished. That was two hours ago. And I still taste it on my lips! 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but testing out disciplinary pet items is never a good idea. 

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