
Doggy style? Not so much.

 The Victim

Bowser is quickly growing into an adolescent. I would imagine him as having puberty-stricken vocal chords and a mountain range of pimples donning an otherwise handsome complexion if he were human. Today, he figured out what most parents dread - when their children are interested in sexuality. Except Bowser, instinctively knows about the birds and the bees - we don't have to tell him. In demonstrating this knowledge to us, he decided to hump my boyfriend's arm. And boy, was he persistent.

My boyfriend was freaking out, fearing his own sexual identity was being compromised by having this male dog attempt unpleasantries on him. And there I was, laughing hysterically in the corner, debating whether or not to video tape. I wish I would have. 

Today is the first day he discovered the x-rated motion, but lately, he's been doing this weird thing where he throws his back end into you. We suspected these were the warning signs that something inappropriate might be in our future, but it was hard to say for sure. My boyfriend's arm unfortunately paid the price.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Bowser will forever entertain!

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