
An unnecessary warning

As of yesterday, I have become a huge fan of the website, etsy.com. It's basically an online craft fair, where anyone can host a website to sell their products. And there are some pretty talented people out there! I'm highly considering doing the majority of my holiday shopping on this site.

As I was perusing the holiday section, I came across a Halloween decoration bearing a message that is unnecessary to post on my baked goods, but rather a universally assumed warning:

You can check out the rest of this shop by clicking the link below:

In order to finally fulfill one of my New Year's resolutions, I do plan to try my hand at some holiday baking this season. I might just buy these Halloween decorations as a disclaimer for Christmas treats, just in case you are one of the lucky recipients of my baking attempt :o)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but channeling Julia Childs takes more skill than I possess.

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