
The Health Gods Hate Me...Sorta

Fall is here. 
Because I need more afflictions, I've been suffering from a sore throat and runny nose for the past few days. Just in time to ring in fall. I thought I deserved a break from health crap, being as I've already done my due diligence in the injury department this year. Oh well. Other than keeping Stash Tea in business and eating decongestants like candy, I'm pretty much on the mend from my hip surgery which was three weeks ago (time flies!).

Stitches are out, my wounds are nearly healed, my crutches have retired to the garage (for good I hope), and I just started driving again a few days ago. Woohoo! I've also been able to walk Bowser a little bit, although this has been a bit challenging with all the hills in our neighborhood. Lucky for me, he's been pretty accommodating of his gimpy mama.

This fall weather is making me crave a good hot yoga session, but it'll still be at least a few months before I'll be able to do something like that. I find out what kind of rehabilitation exercises I'll be doing early next month - I'm hoping I don't need physical therapy and they can just give me some exercises to do at home. I've already paid more than enough in PT bills this year, which was a complete waste of time and only made my hip worse.

To update you on the podcast invite, I'll be speaking with Heidi Durrow and Fanshen Cox on Mixed Chicks Chat on February 8th! It's a little ways out, so I'll remind you guys to tune in once we get closer.

Until next time, sticks and stones may break my bones, but the health gods will smite you.

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