
Ring Bling

This is how they say "I love you" in his family. Image from here.
This has been the year of weddings – several of my friends have tied the knot and next year, my sister is getting hitched (yay!). Of course Boyfriend and I have discussed our own wedding many a time (he would say, ad nauseam, I was say, not enough). But all this talk has spurred some pretty interesting dreams over the past year, particularly involving the ring:

Brass Knuckle Bliss

I’m in dream land, and the big moment happens: Boyfriend gets on his knee to propose, and out from behind his back comes the ring brass knuckles with his last name encrusted in diamonds across the top. I was speechless. I was excited that he finally asked, but completely disgusted at what was being presented to me. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I gratefully accepted the brass knuckles and went to go tell my friends. They were all laughing at my brass knuckles and I kept asking, “What do I do? What do I tell him?” Then I woke up relieved that I didn’t have to ask him to return brass knuckles. Although he now threatens to get me some nice knucks for our wedding day (dangit).

Plastic Shields and Quartz Crystal are a Girl’s Best Friend

Just last night, I was back in dreamland. I was getting ready for work when Boyfriend pulled me in the guest room. He got down on one knee and proposed. Instead of brass knuckles, this time I got a thing we referred to as a ring in my dream. Except this “ring” had a mini-plastic shield all around it. Its purpose was to protect the gems from getting damaged and falling out. But right after the proposal, the biggest gem fell out of the middle. When I picked it up, it was a huge hunk of quartz crystal. I was like, "Uh honey...can we get another ring? I'm not sure I like this one."

Boyfriend suggested we superglue it back to the base. He was so proud of this ring, but I just couldn’t do it. So I again insisted we get a different one.

Boyfriend got all butt-hurt and went off on how unappreciative I was.

I woke up laughing because I knew there was no way this ridiculousness was real. I'm hoping the real deal is nothing like dreamland.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but brass knuckles and plastic shields make for terrible engagement rings.


  1. OMG Hana!! I think being a jewelry designer is your calling seeing how creative you get in dreamland! This is freakin' hilarious.

  2. LOL seriously! I could come up with some pretty wild creations, call them couture and make a killing :)
