
What I Did During My Three-Month Blog Break

Why hello, Sticks and Stoners! First off, my apologies for taking a three-month hiatus from this blog without warning. Life got a little too hectic the closer I got to my wedding and it hasn’t really slowed down since. But today, I’m taking a breather. It’s the first and probably last time I’ll ever have Black Friday off  from work, and I’m happy to report that I’m not out shopping, but working to catch up with you (whoever you might be)!  

This year has been absolutely hectic and absolutely wonderful. I can’t possibly fill you in on every little detail of my absence, so in true Sticks and Stones style, I’m going to give you a drink from the fire hose:
I married a unicorn ;)
My wedding was absolutely the best day ever! In addition marrying my most favorite person in the whole wide world, nothing went wrong. Not a single thing. We were so blessed to have so much help from our friends and family, and so many people came out of the woodwork to offer their services for free (why hello  there, day-of coordinators, beer brewer and videographers)! Did I mention that we were having unreasonably warm weather in Seattle and I got a 70-degree, sunny day for my October wedding? And my favorite part is that everyone had an absolute blast. I had a lot of people tell me it was one of the most fun weddings they had ever attended, which really made me feel like all of that planning paid off. AND I didn’t turn into a bridezilla, which means I accomplished my ultimate New Year’s resolution (I can only thank yoga for that, really)!

Husband (he’s got a new blog name!) and I flew to Cabo San Lucas for our honeymoon! Minus the unexpected delay in getting there (thanks a lot, Alaska airlines – I’m not even going here because I’m still irked) and the mini-hurricane we experienced there (we went there because I thought Cabo didn’t get hurricanes), we had a blast! My favorite activity we did was ziplining, but we also had fun riding ATVs and camels.  And of course, tanning, swimming, eating, drinking and being honeymooners.

When I went back to work from my honeymoon, I returned to all kinds of craziness. In addition to being unexpectedly short-staffed, I got asked to fly out and write a last-minute story on how Hurricane Sandy affected our employees and our company. I’m going to write a separate entry about my Hurricane Sandy experience because it’s too much to fit in this catch-all post. But all I can say, is that it was very humbling to speak with the victims, and it really put a lot into perspective. Seeing others hurting after this storm was pretty emotional for me, nevermind the people who are still living through it. But I’m thankful for all of the humbling experiences, because I have come out of each one with a clearer view on what is important and not important in life. They have all taught me to focus on the people (and puppies) that I love, and nothing more. At the end of the day, it’s all about taking care of ourselves and each other.

Speaking of story writing, I feel that my hiatus from this blog has caused my day-job writing to suffer. Granted, I’ve had a million things going on the past few months, but it felt like all of my creative energy wasn’t being let out and so I could only create word vomit at work. So one of my resolutions for the upcoming year will be to focus on my writing, more specifically, writing for me, and that will certainly give you more blog candy to gobble!
I promise, I'll never fly out again - Woohoo!!!!
So in a nutshell, that’s what I’ve been up to. Of course there’s more detail to it than that, so stay tuned for some more regular posts! I’ve got a few up my sleeve. Including another rant about hating Black Friday…

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but taking blog hiatuses quells my inner-creativity. 

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