
Bring on 2013!

Happy New Year! I'm officially 28 going on 89; I didn't even make it to midnight last night. I had one glass of wine and passed out on the couch watching "Wedding Crashers" on rerun. I woke up at midnight to husband giving me kisses saying, "Happy New Year!"

Granted, I wasn't really setting myself up for success - I had retreated to sweats and my bathrobe prior to turning on the fire place and curling up with a blanket on the couch. That doesn't exactly scream "party all night."

Since our Christmas was so busy (as in, visit-six-different-homes-in-three-days busy) Husband and I opted not to do anything. Our Christmas was fun, but I have grown to appreciate not doing anything in my advancing age.

But my intent was not to talk about being an old lady as much as it was to discuss resolutions! It's that time of year where we start making promises to become better versions of ourselves. I'm not sure that I'm better than I was in years prior, but I've certainly accomplished a challenging task or three, and I've gotta say, that nothing gives you more of a sense of purpose knowing you can do something you set your mind to. 

Whether you are a resolution nerd like me, or think they're a bunch of baloney, I think the trick is finding resolutions that are realistic, but right on the edge of pushing yourself. I also have found that declaring resolutions publicly make me more inclined to accomplish them. 

This season, I had some trouble picking them out, which is why my list is a tad bit long. But I've settled on the following (in no particular order):
  1. Do a DIY furniture project - with all the HGTV and Pinterest I consume, I think it's time I bring some of that into real life (and perhaps repair a few of Chika's "design elements" she ingrained in our furniture). 
  2. Find time once a week to be creative for ME. This can take the form of playing guitar or updating my blog, or writing in a journal. Whatever I do, it cannot be creation for work purposes. I need to re-connect with expressing myself, and not my company's objectives, on a regular basis. 
  3. Stay dedicated to living a healthy life style. I accomplished quite a bit in 2012 and I can't hop off the boat now. 
    1. (Yes, I have a subpoint as a resolution). Get into a new arm balance and/or headstand in yoga. I was aiming for side crow and then I figured out how to do it a few weeks ago so now I've got to find another one. Normally I practice headstands against a wall, but I was getting cocky and tried in front of our TV and almost knocked it over. Keep your fingers crossed this isn't the objective that sends me back to the ER. 
  4. Live mindfully. This is certainly harder to measure, but just always checking myself that my words, actions are all done with intent and kindness (Husband is probably rolling his eyes at this one).
So that's it for 2013. I think this year will be fantastic. I'm excited to live day-by-day instead of focusing on wedding planning, which consumed much of 2012. We're going to be traveling to Spain towards the end of summer and it's a trip I've wanted to take for years! I can't wait. It's time to start living life.  

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but resolutions might if I keep letting my ego let me do headstands in front of unstable objects. Or if a Pinterest project goes awry. Pray for me. 

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