
Rockabye gangster on the tree top...

My eyes have dark circles underneath them. I look droopy. I'm probably not listening to what you are saying. I have not slept more than 7 hours in the last 48. Last night, when I thought I was finally going to catch up on some Zs, some thug outside my apartment decided to allow me 2 hours.

I was reading in bed, when all of the sudden I heard 8-10 gunshots right below my window! Even though I'm four stories up, I instinctively dove off my bed and hit the floor right after grabbing my phone. I learned something new about myself- I'm programmed for combat- or just a weeny :). After diving to save my life, I called the cops crouching behind my bed.

I was trying not to completely freak out when I spoke to the operator but I couldn't stop my voice from shaking. It was all I could do to concentrate on what she was asking me, and not letting my mind run wild with what may have transpired below my window.

She asked how many gunshots I heard. I think my number started out with 6 but then got higher. It was more than six, but I knew it was no more than 10. She asked if I heard people yelling, or screaming, or if I could hear cars driving off. I didn't recall hearing any of it even though my window was open.

She reassured me that cops were right around the corner. Right when I hung up I started trembling all over and I couldn't stop. I remembered the feeling when I got in my car wreck five years ago. I was so freaked out! I looked outside my window and didn't see anything. Where were these cops she spoke of? More importantly, where were the bad guys?

Usually when I start to freak out about something, My boyfriend's the first person I call. (Lucky guy.) I finally spit out the story and he was really worried. I know he hates me living here. I officially hate me living here too. Now don't get me wrong- I love Seattle, I love my apartment, but I hate the CD. I tried justifying that things can happen to you anywhere when I moved here. Which is true. They are just more likely to happen to you here. This is the third time I've personally heard gunshots here, but none were as close as they were last night. When I feel the need to dive behind something, that's a little too close for comfort.

I hated the high-heeled, chihuahua-walking, breast implants that trotted around Kirkland, but I'd take that over bullets singing me to sleep any day. At least I could go for walks in that neighborhood. I don't feel safe outside of my apartment at all. I was going to invest in some mace until my boyfriend reminded me it doesn't stop bullets. I need to stick it out another 6 months here. Let's hope those assholes keep their trigger fingers to themselves for the duration of my lease.

When I got off the phone with my boyfriend, I looked outside my window and 4 cop cars were surrounding my apartments. I was in the process of convincing myself that I really didn't hear all those gunshots, until I saw them trying to measure the angle at which bullets hit the apartment building. Damn. I drove by today and no windows were shot out, and no one was hurt luckily. Just some asshole trying to scare people who live here.

When I finally decided to try to sleep, I laid in bed awake all night, each noise outside making me more paranoid than the one before. I fell asleep around 4 am. My alarm promptly woke me at 5:45. Thanks asshole.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but the CD will kill you.

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