

The San Jose Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon was just as gratifying to run as my first half in May. I produced my very first Half Marathon PR: 1:58:09! Way better than the goal I had my sights on, as I stated in my last entry (“as long as I beat 2:07:38”). I nearly beat my old time by 10 minutes.

While my last half was partially motivated by running, partially motivated by my mom, I have to say that this one was all about running. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could put my nose to the grindstone and become a faster runner.

I just remember rounding the corner and seeing the finish line clock flashing 1:58 and I think I let out a squeal as I realized I was going to meet my goal of coming in under two hours, and crush my last time. Adrenaline kicked in once again and I went flying past a crowd of people with my arms in the air, celebrating another 13.1 miles conquered.

For my acceptance speech, (ahem) I just want to thank the course for being flat, the cytomax and water stations for being appropriately spaced apart, and GU for making a product called Chomps that tastes like fruit snacks instead of its nasty older brother, GU Gel. I also want to thank the lady who was giving out free bacon along the way, even though she was out by the time I ran by. It was still good for a chuckle, even if it messed up my breathing pattern. Oh and I can’t leave out the runner that thought it was okay to take his shirt off and show the 12,000 other runners his hairy back, which grew in the pattern of a t-shirt. That was just…interesting.

In all seriousness, I had a blast running it with my boyfriend’s brother, wife and my good friend/old Seattle running partner! We decided to make this an annual tradition going forward.

As for the bands, they were so-so. What was more motivating was the energy about the stages rather than the music itself. Blues Traveler was the final band which we didn’t stick around to see. But with that being said, I would love to do another Rock ‘n Roll race series. I have my sights set on Seattle next year, and I’m hoping that it lives up to its Rock ‘n Roll status as far as the music goes.

As for the next race, I’m definitely signing up for some turkey trots, and debating the Seattle Marathon’s half distance. Still, I have no desire to do a full marathon. I commend those that go there, but I can safely say, the marathon bug hasn’t bitten me…yet. 5ks and half marathons are my absolute favorite distances to race.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but adrenaline will carry you through the finish line.

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