
Bad News Bears

 I turn into a bearsharktopus when Muhana Ali fails to get the job done.

I had a rather stressful past week:
  • Boyfriend got in a car wreck (he's okay!)
  • got super scared for my relatives in Japan (they're okay!)
  • and had a rough week at work (not okay.)
So it came as no surprise that I found myself at the bar last Friday night, commiserating with my man over a few beers. Then the next day, I woke up sick - and not from too much beer (I only had two). -sigh- It was really just the cherry on top.

In the spirit of bad news, I thought I'd use this entry give you an update on my hip, as I had promised to do many moons ago. I went to a rehabilitation specialist today, who pretty much told me everything I already knew - either go get another MRI with a dye injection (because they failed to do it with dye the first time, even though I asked for dye every step of the way, and the MRI came up inconclusive- no shit), or begin a series of cortisone injections with the hope that we're just treating inflammation. I chose option one, because I've been waiting since...oh OCTOBER...to figure out what is wrong with my hip. If I were a professional athlete, I would have been fixed and recovered by now. This is ridiculous!

The doc did say, that if they do find the cartilage tear that everyone suspects I have, he may not be able to help and I'll have to get another referral to an orthopedic surgeon, and he's pretty confident that I'll have to have surgery on it, because cartilage tears don't repair themselves.

Let's stop for a second and take a trip down memory lane: All of what was said to me today was told to me by my physical therapist back in January when things started really going south with my hip. But my primary care physician has been the one sending me to all of these different doctors who may not even be able to help me, and ordering tests that don't detect what we're after. They are just working the system, trying to squeeze more money from my health insurance provider. It's been so frustrating! More so than the actual hip pain. Anyway, I'm hoping MRI number two will just put me on the path I should have been on all along and they can finally fix my good-for-nothing hip.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'm about to break some if I get the run around one more time!


  1. Looks like we're both waiting for some more positive news to come! Keeping you guys in my thoughts, miss you!

  2. Meniscus tear often happens due to traumatic injury and degenerative process, and you probably had it when you bent your knee joint. Depending on your situation, you might be subject to meniscectomy, meniscus repair, and other treatment options.

    summit orthopedics
