

The next Jersey Shore cast member...ew. image found here.

Feeling cruddy today - there's something nasty going around right now. My head feels like you could pop it with a pin, my face is running, and it feels like my glands are the size of baseballs. The upside: there's a Jersey Shore marathon on and I'm indulging my inner guidette. I'm genuinely sad that tonight is the finale. I look forward to my weekly brain drain of Jersey Shore every Jersday, and I'm sad that this season is ending. I also may or may not have entered a contest for Boyfriend and I to have dinner with Snooki and Vinny. I know. This is getting slightly out of control. -sigh- what other bad reality shows can I watch until the next season begins?

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but reality tv is a great cold remedy.

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