
Vampires make great therapists

image found here.
Eeks. Life has gotten a bit overwhelming in the last week or so, hence the lack of updating. In the spirit of taking my mind off it, and the fact that my parents don't like their shit on blast (my words not theirs), I'm not going to delve too deep into everything that's going on. All I'm going to say is that I've found a great way to distract myself: True Blood and kalimotxos (soo good).  

My boyfriend added HBO to our cable package. Normally, I would have thought, "Do we really need this?" But the second I fatefully clicked on the title True Blood, it made it all worth it. In fact, we're already well into season 2 and we just got HBO last week. I fully intend on being caught up before season 4 starts in June.

The thing is, Boyfriend and I rarely agree on television shows unless its Jersey Shore or Cops (I guess we bond over delinquent drunks...not sure what that says about us). But he's actually gotten really into True Blood too. Even if its only because there's a nipple scene every five minutes, it's nice to have a show we enjoy watching together. In the end, I'd rather be spending time with him anyway.

Aww warm fuzzies!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but vampires are great coping mechanisms.


  1. Get hooked on Entourage, a show you both can enjoy. Funny with plenty of T&A as well as cute boys.

  2. I second Margo's advice! I love Entourage..and I know Andy likes it too! And Xabi and I are loving the fact that you're indulging in kalimotxos! Thinking of you and your fam xoxo

  3. Yay for kalimotxos! I love how Basque you are! :) For the record, I believe Cops was our show first!
