
Ready or not, here it comes

Image from liver.stanford.edu

The time has arrived: My parents are moving to San Francisco in a couple of weeks so my mom can get her liver transplant. The news is great but overwhelming.

The docs basically told her she needs to get down there ASAP because her cancer tumors are growing and spreading throughout her liver (at least it’s not going beyond her liver). At they rate they’re growing, she’s at risk for not qualifying for the transplant at all if she waits much longer.

Rather than waiting in Washington to hear if they found her a match, the docs said coming to San Fran now will increase her chances of getting a liver faster. She just returned from a check-up in San Fran last night and has plans to be down there again in about two weeks – that is, if her and my dad can get housing arranged. They’ll probably end up living there for three months.

I’m glad they have a bit more notice to move down now – planning a move in two weeks will be way easier than waiting for the call here in WA. If she waits here, she would only have 24 hours to hop a plane, move her life, and get a transplant. It’ll be a little less nerve wracking to drive a few miles to the hospital rather than fly two states over at the drop of a hat.

My sisters and I will wait until my mom gets the call for the transplant before we fly down. I have to admit, this is all sort of surreal. We’ve been talking about this transplant for two and half years. The anticipation has been quite a roller coaster ride. Even though she needs this and it will prolong her life, it’s still scary. I can just tell my parents are overwhelmed with all of the decisions they’ll have to make over the next few weeks. I’m offering to assist however I can. But right now, we’re playing the waiting game.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but San Francisco may save your life.