
Writing, Dogs, Easter...yeah

I'm going to see Water for Elephants tonight. This only seemed fitting. Image from here. 
What a beautiful morning! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I felt obligated to enjoy my cup of jo on my back porch with my dog. He sat at my feet while we both gazed at the beginning of the Cascade mountains. I wish I could wake up that way everyday. Even the most tried and true pacific northwesterners are starting to get a little weary of living in Waterworld. I am more than ready for some sunshine and what a great way to wake up on my extra day off this week!

So a few things to update you on:

- I got bit by a dog again. I'm sick of re-telling the story so I'm just going to leave it at, "Yeah that kinda sucked."

-I won first place for the Washington Press Associations writing contest in the category of Social issues, religion, minority affairs. I wrote a story about man who goes to Ghana each year to do service work. He was so inspiring and totally had a grasp on what his purpose was in life. Writing human interest stories is my passion, and it felt good to get recognized for it. Normally I get stuck with invigorating stories about benefit packages and business initiatives - you know, the ones everyone skips. One of these days, I will make a living where I genuinely care about everything I write. 

-I got picked to write a guest post for my fave blog AndThenSheSaved! I've blogged about this site before, so you should check it out if you haven't already. I found out about it after seeing it featured on CNN. The blog really kept me motivated as I was paying off my credit card debt. Even if you're not struggling with bad spending habits, there are still some great money-saving ideas that anyone could use. It is a true snapshot of our consumerism-obsessed lives as Americans, so you can read it just to satisfy your inner sociologist. 

-My boyfriend and I are hosting our very first holiday dinner! I feel so adult! For Easter, he's cooking a prime rib, and I'm going to help with sides and make an apple cobbler. His parents, aunt, and my grandma and cousin are coming over. I'm excited! I can't wait to have a bigger space so we can host even bigger holiday dinners. One day! 

-Last year, the Easter bunny laid a puppy for us, so I wonder what kind of surprise we'll get this year...hopefully whoppers are involved :)

Anyway, I wish you all a fabulous weekend, and have no life lesson to impart on you today that adequately sums up my schizophrenic update. So with that, I bid you adieu! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you! I'm so happy you won first place! AND you get to guest blog? Hello awesome! Congrats chica and Happy Easter. :)
