
Attack of the Muffin Top

Last weekend, I fatefully took my summer shorts out of hiding only to need an emergency shot of tequila to cope afterwards. I just about fainted trying button them up. I was just wearing them in Hawaii six months ago and I was experiencing a Costco-sized muffin top - the worst part was, they weren't even buttoned!

Not being able to work out due to my injuries has been quite frustrating. I miss running so much that I it pisses me off when my Runner's World magazine shows up in my mailbox. So I cancelled that subscription to avoid the ensuing rage blackouts.

But I'll admit, since most fitness activities have not been an option, I haven't done much in the way of improving my eating habits. I wasn't the best eater even when I was training for half marathons, but I was running so many miles each week that I was burning it all off.

With that said, I think I'm going to invest in a shake weight. When you're done laughing hear me out - it appears to be the only workout I can do since it doesn't involve my legs. Everything I've read has also affirmed that this goofy product actually works. I'll head to Target later today and let you know how it turns out. With my luck I'll have another ER story to tell.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but injuries and cupcakes will bust your gut.

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