
When Bad Writing Attacks

Kid, I totally feel you. Image from here.

I've had to bring work home today. It's open in another window which I should be diligently typing in, but I just. can't. do. it.

It's been one of those days where everything I write is complete shit. For example, this was the best lead I could come up with for this human interest piece I'm working on:

"Growing up on the Northern Beaches of New South Wales, there was no doubt that Joe Schmo [name has been changed] would be a water baby.

He was such a water baby in fact, that by the age of three, he was already on swimming squads."

For my next sentence, I really want to type "I'm sorry you just had to read that. You can stop now."

That's all I could muster. This article is supposed to be a masterpiece by tomorrow and I'm just word vomiting it up.

These are the days I hate being a writer; When I can't beckon my creative mojo to do it's thang. Usually I can just whack out a back page story with the same ease at which I can dominate a red velvet cupcake. But today, my mojo has taken a vacation and has left me to my own defenses. Damn you, mojo.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but bad leads will break your writing career.

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