

Bowser, maxin and relaxin in his frog pose, all day, everyday. 

Ahh. This has been the most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time. Work has been draining and I've had errands or obligations on my days off all month. Not that my weekends haven't been enjoyable - just busy.

We had friends over for a BBQ Friday, Boyfriend and I had date night last night (go see Super 8!), and this morning, I treated myself to my very first facial, eyebrow and lip wax (hey even the best of us get lady 'staches and uni-brows). And as luck would have it, when I got home, HBO is running a True Blood marathon all day. The only thing missing this weekend is my dad!

We celebrated Father's Day a week early. My dad was up last weekend visiting for my sister's high school graduation. And boy, did that make me feel suuuuuper old. Her and I are nearly nine years apart. I couldn't believe how high the stilettos were that all the high school girls were wearing with their cap and gown! We all wore flip flops to graduation back in my day. I wouldn't even wear those kinds of shoes now - not because I think they're hoochie (well some of them were) - but I'd break my neck before I took a single step. Plus my hip/knee situation doesn't allow for such luxuries as high heels.

As promised in my last entry, I finally invested in a Shake Weight (Boyfriend drove me to Target yesterday so I wouldn't be "lying to my readers"). Holy cow, that thing is no joke! I could barely shake it for a minute straight, and they recommend six minutes to get the full arm workout. All I know is despite my muffin top, I'm going to have Michelle Obama arms by the end of the summer. Since I can't do road races, maybe I can start a shake weight competition and turn that into an endurance sport. How ridiculous would that be? If I got to have Shake Weight competitions, I would require this warning to be posted everywhere, just in case anyone forgot:

This has nothing to do with anything, but I've been trying to convince Boyfriend that we need to adopt this dog, Chewbaca from our local rescue shelter. It's so cute and awesome that I had to share it - if I can't have her, somebody has got to adopt this girl!

Anyway, on to another week!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but relaxing weekends are key to staying sane.

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