
Watch Out Sin City...

...I'm coming back!

Boyfriend and I just booked our August trip to Las Vegas! I can't wait. This will be my fourth time to Sin City. The first time I went, my mom took me as my college graduation gift. We had a blast! I even got her to go see Common with me at the House of Blues. What a hip (hop) mom :)

The second time I went with Boyfriend, friends and my future brother and sister-in-law (I'm making assumptions here). It was a blast. I even got brain freeze, as depicted below.

Actually those tall drinks are disgusting. I can't handle the amount of corn syrup in the mix.

Boyfriend enjoyed his first Urban Outfitters experience in Mandalay Bay.

And we had the most delicious dinner at a hidden gem off the strip called Musashi! You HAVE to go there next time your in Vegas. By far, the best teppanyaki I've ever had.

The third time I went to Vegas was for work. Aside from work paying for everything, I don't recommend ever going to Vegas for that. It totally ruined it. I had a hard time focusing on what I was supposed to be doing when the pool was calling my name so loudly. I'd rather enjoy Vegas without the ball and chain that work tends to be.

This trip is sure to be a blast. Boyfriend and I haven't really gone on a trip by ourselves, and this vacation comes at the end of a very busy month for us. This will be a well-deserved week of living it up!


Absolutely Delicious

Yup. It turned out. You can just call me Chef Hana from now on. :o)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rainbow cheesecake will make it all better.


I won!...I think

So here is how my cheesecake turned out! I was baking this damn thing until midnight last night. I won't know if I did it right until we cut into it and serve it up. I was tempted to try it before the party got here, but who serves up a cake that's already been eaten? Tacky!

The top of my cheesecake did turn more golden than the one in the recipe picture. I adjusted the oven racks when I don't think I was supposed to. Also, it was hard to tell if my springform pan was waterproof. The crust looked a bit more soggy than I'd hoped...we'll just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted.

Sticks and stones lessons still pending.


Hana vs. The Kitchen Round 1

A spoonful of happiness! image from tablespoon.com (click recipe below)

Even though it was Friday (and Payday Friday no less) I had a rather annoying day at work. For me, nothing cures those better than a good challenge. In the past, that would consist of pounding it out on the pavement and running for a mile or 10 down the trail. But since that is not an option right now, I thought I'd take another jab at my budding baking skills.

I must have had a really shitty day because I'm in the midst of conquering my biggest culinary challenge yet: a cheesecake! (Okay, so this very colorful recipe caught my eye as I was testing the Internet at work).

As a cheesecake lover for many years, legend had it that they could be tricky to tackle outside of the Cheesecake Factory - I mean come on - cheesecake should always be as easy as asking the waiter to bring out a second piece of Dulce de Leche. (Don't judge me!)

I shied away from even thinking about making my own after hearing horror stories. And I'm still pretty much a baking n00b (it really wasn't that long ago that I discovered how not to burn cookies).

And of course I didn't choose just any cheesecake for my first attempt. I chose a double rainbow cheesecake. Oh yeah. We're still keeping that alive.

What does it mean? I'll tell you what it means: we have four birthdays to celebrate and people are coming over tomorrow. I wanted to do something special to commemorate the birth of my three great friends and my lavah (Boyfriend!). Who knew one could have so many friends born under the astrological sign of Cancer?

So far, the cheesecake has materialized to the point of being in the oven, so I haven't totally effed up yet. The cooling process seems just a tricky as the mixing, separating, food-coloring, layering and baking process that proceeds it. At least I had Feist to keep me calm throughout it all. Oh Feist. Hurry up and release another album so I can continue to keep my sanity.

If this cheesecake is a success, I'll post pics of it when its done. If this cheesecake is a failure, I'll post pics of it when its done. No sticks and stones lessons can be bestowed upon you until we know the outcome of this great duel between me and the kitchen...

dun dun DUN!!


Writing, working, blogging, banking

My writing muscle has been quite sore from work. Lately, the only thing I’ve been able to muster is a snarky facebook status or two. That’s the problem with doing your hobby as your profession. It starts to become something that wears on you rather than something you enjoy doing in your spare time. It's sad, really. 
In better writing news, you guys should check out And Then She Saved tomorrow when my guest post is featured! For those that haven’t been to this site, I found it in the midst of paying off my credit card debt on CNNMoney. Blogger Anna Newell Jones paid off $18,000 in a single year by going on a self-imposed spending fast. Her posts on being frugal and saving money inspired me to write about consumption as a whole (and I did not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 posts about it over the winter). In tomorrow's guest post, I talk about my own issues with spending and how my trip to Africa gave me the epiphany I needed to turn it around (even if it wasn't immediate). So stay tuned :)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my credit card is no longer breaking the bank! 


Take a Look, It's in a Book...

My kids are going to ask, "What are those?"
Like most writers, I’m a huge reader. I look forward to afternoons where I can lose myself in a book for hours, while lounging outside in the sun. I was such a bookworm as a child that I often got in trouble for reading under my desk when I was supposed to be learning other subjects like math and science (boo!).

Recently, I’ve been satiating my book craving, saving money (and space in my house) by going to the library. I hadn’t owned a library card in years and I suddenly had the urge to take advantage of my tax dollars again. The library has been forcing me to quickly get through books before their due dates, so I’ve been quite the reading machine. I wanted to share my favorites so far this year and warn you of the titles to steer clear of.

Race, animals and the end of the world: These are books to stick your nose in

Little Bee: This is the only book I’ve ever read by Chris Cleave, but his writing style is just as creative as his storytelling. His pacing is excellent and his characters engrossing. I could not put this down. By far, one of the best books I’ve ever read.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Funny how I loved a book about cells when the last thing I wanted to do in school was learn about them. What really hooked me to this book was the story behind the science. This true story will make you angry for the Lacks family.

A Dog’s Purpose: This is such a feel-good book. Even if you’re not a dog lover, the lessons behind it are very human. A dog gets reincarnated several times as different breeds throughout his life and every time one of his lives ended I cried. But it was ultimately a happy story.

Water for Elephants: This book has been out for awhile, and I was hesitant to read it due to its circus theme (I’m not really one for carnies). But after the first chapter I was hooked. The author does a great job making you love the characters, and it certainly blows the movie out of the water.

The Help: Set in the South in the 1950s, The Help tells a story of a young, white woman who tries to make a difference in the world by writing about the experiences of the black women who clean the homes in her neighborhood. It’s a revolutionary undertaking, full of twists, turns and lots of ignorant people that will make you want to throw the book in protest. This is another page-turner!

Hunger Games series: I could not put these books down. I’m not much of a fantasy-genre reader, but I do enjoy a good dystopian novel now and again. This series is action-packed, suspenseful and the characters are awesome. I’m not sure I liked how the series ended, but I certainly enjoyed the ride. And can’t wait to see the movie they’re making!

Books that bore: You’ll be wishing you got that time back

Beatrice and Virgil: snore snore snore. I loved Life of Pi which is written by the same author, but this book left me more than disappointed. I was on the last page and still wondering what the hell happened. I kept reading it in hopes that it would get better. It didn’t. It was way too abstract and terrible for my taste.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: I’m a self-confessed twilight nerd but this book certainly did not deliver. In fact, even though it’s all of three pages, I didn’t even finish it. I had already learned my lesson from Beatrice and Virgil.

Freedom: Sorry Oprah, but I have no clue what you saw in this book. This story had a big climb that lead to absolutely nothing. I hated every self-absorbed character in these pages. They were all whiny adults with luxury problems. Save yourself 500+ pages of time and go watch TV.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but my reading recommendations will blow. your. mind. :)


Hips from Hell: an expose on injuries you shouldn't have at 26

H is for Hana! Right?

Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate our nation's Independence, I am trying to enjoy the days until I lose mine for a bit - I finally found out what was wrong with my hip (9 months later), and unfortunately being a gimp is again in my future.

I have a sizable cartilage tear just like they suspected, but I also have an FAI impingement, which means the ball portion of my hip joint is not round like it's supposed to be. It's misshapen on one end which is causing the cartilage tear. I also found out I have scoliosis (wtf) and that one of my legs is a centimeter longer than the other (double wtf). I also have hip dysplasia, which I thought was only a condition dogs got when they were older. Basically, I have the hips (and bones) from hell.

So on Labor Day weekend, I'll go under the knife and the surgeons will cut off the torn cartilage and shave down the misshapen bone. Oh and they have to dislocate my hip joint to do it. Eek! I'll be on crutches for another two weeks and require another round of physical therapy afterwards. It will take 6-9 months for a full recovery and the worst part is, I will not be able to return to running. Eventually they do want me to be able to run on a treadmill for a short amount of time as part of the recovery process, but I am not encouraged to do any of the distance running I was doing before. I run the risk of repeating this injury.

As shitty as that news is, I look forward to being able to everything else I used to enjoy, like yoga, hiking and biking. I won't be able to do it until a year from now (worst case scenario) but I'll be healed just in time for our Spain trip which we postponed for next summer.

In super awesome news, my parents are home! I picked them up from the airport yesterday. My mom was so happy to be back. My sisters made dinner/cake, and I went to their house the day before to help clean and get it ready for their return. My mom was already planning how to help me recover after my surgery, even though she's still very much in her own recovery process. Oh moms. Gotta love 'em :)

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it looks like patience will be my lesson for the rest of the year.