
Hana vs. The Kitchen Round 1

A spoonful of happiness! image from tablespoon.com (click recipe below)

Even though it was Friday (and Payday Friday no less) I had a rather annoying day at work. For me, nothing cures those better than a good challenge. In the past, that would consist of pounding it out on the pavement and running for a mile or 10 down the trail. But since that is not an option right now, I thought I'd take another jab at my budding baking skills.

I must have had a really shitty day because I'm in the midst of conquering my biggest culinary challenge yet: a cheesecake! (Okay, so this very colorful recipe caught my eye as I was testing the Internet at work).

As a cheesecake lover for many years, legend had it that they could be tricky to tackle outside of the Cheesecake Factory - I mean come on - cheesecake should always be as easy as asking the waiter to bring out a second piece of Dulce de Leche. (Don't judge me!)

I shied away from even thinking about making my own after hearing horror stories. And I'm still pretty much a baking n00b (it really wasn't that long ago that I discovered how not to burn cookies).

And of course I didn't choose just any cheesecake for my first attempt. I chose a double rainbow cheesecake. Oh yeah. We're still keeping that alive.

What does it mean? I'll tell you what it means: we have four birthdays to celebrate and people are coming over tomorrow. I wanted to do something special to commemorate the birth of my three great friends and my lavah (Boyfriend!). Who knew one could have so many friends born under the astrological sign of Cancer?

So far, the cheesecake has materialized to the point of being in the oven, so I haven't totally effed up yet. The cooling process seems just a tricky as the mixing, separating, food-coloring, layering and baking process that proceeds it. At least I had Feist to keep me calm throughout it all. Oh Feist. Hurry up and release another album so I can continue to keep my sanity.

If this cheesecake is a success, I'll post pics of it when its done. If this cheesecake is a failure, I'll post pics of it when its done. No sticks and stones lessons can be bestowed upon you until we know the outcome of this great duel between me and the kitchen...

dun dun DUN!!

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