
Writing, working, blogging, banking

My writing muscle has been quite sore from work. Lately, the only thing I’ve been able to muster is a snarky facebook status or two. That’s the problem with doing your hobby as your profession. It starts to become something that wears on you rather than something you enjoy doing in your spare time. It's sad, really. 
In better writing news, you guys should check out And Then She Saved tomorrow when my guest post is featured! For those that haven’t been to this site, I found it in the midst of paying off my credit card debt on CNNMoney. Blogger Anna Newell Jones paid off $18,000 in a single year by going on a self-imposed spending fast. Her posts on being frugal and saving money inspired me to write about consumption as a whole (and I did not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 posts about it over the winter). In tomorrow's guest post, I talk about my own issues with spending and how my trip to Africa gave me the epiphany I needed to turn it around (even if it wasn't immediate). So stay tuned :)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my credit card is no longer breaking the bank! 

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