
Bad Day + Cheap Wine = New Post

God Bless Charles Shaw. Picture hijacked from here

It was one of those days where I recklessly changed lanes, cut people off and sped home so I could get closer to a glass of two-buck chuck. Okay it was actually a $4 bottle of Fish Eye Merlot because I couldn't find the two-buck chuck. Bastards.

Work has just been insane. I'm only there for a couple days over the next month (yay vacation, boo hip surgery) so I'm just trying to tie up loose ends. But it seems like every time I knock one thing off my to-do list another forty wind up on it. It's really discouraging and makes me do psycho things like give old people the finger as I crazily pass them in desperation of a cheap glass of wine. (Okay let's face it - anyone going a smidge under the speed limit gets the finger from me regardless of age, race, gender or creed. I'm an equal opportunist). 

Life outside of work has been pretty hectic too, so I just go through my days exhausted. So that big, meaningful post I mentioned in my last entry is just going to have to wait until I have more time to tend to it. That won't be until I'm heavily sedated after hip surgery, so the end-product should be interesting. Yuck. End-product. I hate corporate speak. And it's seeping into my personal blog. AHHH!!!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but Vegas can't come soon enough!!

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