
Why I Hate My Blog

I can’t lie – I have a love/hate relationship with this blog. And it’s not just this blog, but social media in general. It has interrupted what I would call the natural social process – you know, visiting with people, calling them up to say hi, writing them a letter. These have all gone the way of the status update (and/or in my case, the blog).

Don’t get me wrong – social media certainly has its benefits. I enjoy that I can still keep in touch with people who I am physically unable to see on a daily basis. However, social media should not replace your entire relationship just because it’s more convenient. Did you have more fun g-chatting with someone or actually going out and having dinner with them? Did you get a better update by reading a facebook status or by spending the day together?

I love having readers, it’s just that I hate when those that I'm close to use my blog as a means for keeping tabs on me, rather than picking up the phone or making plans to do so.

I also hate that when the face-to-face visit does finally happen, and I have to compete with a screen for attention when I’m trying to have a conversation. What ever happened to playing board games or having a good conversation around a fire place? Or (gasp!) going somewhere without your cell phone? I miss the days when technology wasn’t the center of our lives.

I know my particular blog airs out what goes on in my personal life (which is 90 percent of the problem) but I’m best at writing what I know. And I enjoy poking fun at daily musings. And as far as I can tell, you’re reading it because you enjoy it too.

But I don’t post everything that happens to me in life, nor do I want to. So if you really want to stay in touch, don’t use this blog and assume you’ve done your due diligence in the relationship department.

Excuse me, as I go pull a 21st-century Henry David Thoreau. I’m going Walden and retreating into the web-o-sphere.

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