
Jennifer Hudson, 1. Hana, 0

I can't lie - my sisters and I constantly made fun of the Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers commercial when she sang out, "Suuuun in the skyyyyy! You know how I feeeeeeel!" We'd mimick, laugh and talk about how stupid that song was. Well now, I've got my tail between my legs because guess who just joined Weight Watchers? Yup. This guy.

After two weeks of trying my own thing after the new year, and the scale not moving one iota, I figured it couldn't hurt to try it out. Plus my work offers an employee discount. So I joined Weight Watchers Online in the hopes that it will keep me more accountable for what I put in my mouth, and that it will help me stay consistent with my hip exercises. Hopefully I can soon progress to some real exercises that actually make me sweat. I've been adding arm work and ab work to my routine just to see how I feel. So far, so good.

I see the hip surgeon in a few short weeks, so I'm hoping to get permission to try out some more rigorous activities like the elliptical and yoga. I feel like I could do those but I don't want to re-injure myself.

Next week, I'm going to venture to the real stationary bike. I have completed all of the assigned exercises on the recumbent, so now it's on to the real deal (told you this whole process is SLOW).

I'm just praying that the horridly rank employee that was on the bike last time I was at the gym is nowhere to be seen. There's nothing like holding down a dry heave when you're already trying to monitor your breathing. I have asthma too so his odor was starting to trigger some serious medical problems. I just don't know how someone would not be aware of smelling that bad. It was wafting throughout the room, and I was near the door where I had optimal air flow! People disgust me.

I digress.

So I'm on day one of weight watchers - here's to hoping I can lose 15 pounds in three months. And if not, here's to hoping I can lose it by October ;o)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'm determined to be "feeeeeeeling gooooooooooooood!"

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Jennifer Hudson 1, Hana 0! Congrats! Keep us updated on your progress. I was just wondering, could you do any shoulder, chest and/or back exercises? I suppose it depends on the movement.
