
Say Yes to the Dress

Don't worry - this 80s-tastic mess is NOT my dress ;) 

Ever since I promised not to blog about wedding stuff, it's pretty much all I've done. It's the only fun, happy thing I've really been up to lately!

Of all the things planning a wedding involves, one of the aspects I've been most excited for is searching for my dress. And last weekend, I found it!

I went to David's Bridal with my mom since they were having the $99 dress sale. It was the first place I tried on dresses - and the last! While I didn't find a dress for $99, I still found one for $550, which is pretty darn good (keeping a wedding within the budget we set for ourselves is starting to get tricky so I'm glad I came in under at least one amount I had set for myself)!

I was so excited to have my mom with me. Just last year she was going through cancer treatment and a liver transplant and to have her by my side, healthy as can be, helping me find my wedding dress was a miracle. I enjoyed every moment of it!

A Vera Wang dress had my heart strings for months, even before I was engaged (I know - I'm bad), but once I had it on, I immediately knew it was not my dress. It just looked like a heap of fabric draped over my body. Sad to say, it was a big let down.

I tried on about 10 gowns, having my mom take photos of only my favorites, but there was this one that I almost told the consultant to put back on the rack. On the hanger it looked all wrong. But I figured - meh. Trying it on won't kill anybody. Once I had it on, the stars aligned, and I sang out, "This is the one!"

Loved, loved, loved it!

The consultant asked, "On a scale of 1 to 10, where is this for you?"

I said, "TEN!"

And then my mom started crying. Anytime my mom cries it causes a chain reaction so then I started crying and had to quit looking at my mom. The consultants ended up having to bring us all kleenex.

To top it off, they force you to ring a bell and make a wish when you find your dress and the entire shop claps and cheers for you. So there I am, blubbering with my mom ringing a bell with the entire store clapping and cheering for me. It was really embarrassing. But in a cheesy way, a lot of fun.

All I have to say is, I love the dress I picked - it makes me feel like, "Wabam!"

Whatever Wabam means. I can't wait for Fiance to see it! But he'll have to wait until October 6th ;)

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but finding your wedding dress will make your wedding a reality!


  1. Sweetest story ever! You're going to be the most beautiful bride, Hana. Can't wait to see you in it!

  2. I love your story, Hana. What wonderful memories you'll have of that day with your mom. I can't wait to see you in it...you are going to be gorgeous.

    Debbie :)

  3. Yay! Can't wait to see it. Glad you had a great time with your mom!
