
Mixed Chicks Chat

I had the best time talking with New York Times best-selling author Heidi Durrow and Jennifer Frappier today! I was a bit nervous before the call, but they quickly put me at ease. It wasn't necessarily the interview I was nervous for, but the format - I've never been part of a live podcast before, and there's certainly no take-backs if you say the wrong thing. But, as with every experience I've had outside of my immediate comfort zone, it was wonderful and I'm so glad I did it!

Of course, I always think of things I could have said after the interview was over (I'm slow with come-backs too), but oh well. That's what this blog is for! Stay tuned for more stories on the mixed experience ;o)

If you have 30 minutes to spare, click the play button above to hear my interview on the weekly podcast Mixed Chicks Chat! And certainly check out their organization - all I can say is - amazing!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but conversations about race are essential!

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