
Tune in, Wednesday, February 8!

This Wednesday, at 2 p.m. PST, tune into Mixed Chicks Chat! New York Times best-selling author Heidi Durrow, Fanshen Cox and Jennifer Frappier, who run this wonderful organization, will be interviewing me on their weekly podcast about my experience as a mixed-race woman.

It’s not something I’ve talked about a lot on my blog, but you may remember my hyper excited blog post about making this connection with Heidi a few months back, spurring from my post I Am American. Hear Me Roar.

I’m really looking forward to chatting with them. Since I write for a living, I’m used to being the interviewer and not the interviewee so this will be a new experience! Race and ethnic relations have always intrigued me – I even focused on it in my sociology major.

I won’t say much more – you guys will just have to tune in! In case you have to miss the podcast due to something lame like work, I’ll post links right here on Sticks and Stones after it’s published.

Happy listening!

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