
Move Over, Jennifer Hudson

This actually happened to me this week. A happy dance ensued.
I've lost a little over 9 pounds since starting Weight Watchers! I noticed my big jeans were feeling very loose this week, even after throwing them in the dryer forever. So I decided to attempt squeezing into my old jeans that I was squirting out of over the holidays and I seriously did a happy dance in front of my fiance when they fit perfectly again. 

It's nice to know that a few diet tweaks can make a serious impact in losing weight - I don't have to work so hard lose it, like I did when I was training for a half marathon. It makes me wonder how skinny I would have gotten if I would have cleaned up my eating habits while I ran too! I was still eating pizza and all kinds of crap. 

I like Weight Watchers because I don't feel like I'm starving, and I can still eat most of the same things, just being aware of portion sizes and making healthier swaps when necessary. Only a little more than 3 more pounds until I'm at the goal weight I set for myself for my wedding :) Who knows - maybe I'll exceed it. 

So far, I've only had one week where I slipped up, and that was when I was indoctrinating my fiance in the ways of Cupcake Royale. We brought home a 6 pack of cupcakes, and let's just say, no crumb was left behind. That's why they'll be moonlighting at our wedding! 

In hip news, I went to my orthopedic surgeon this week for a follow-up. My left hip, which was operated on in September, is doing great, and I got the green light to bump up my activities to include the elliptical and training for hiking. However, due to the new pain in my right hip, I may be in the early stages of ANOTHER cartilage tear (#@$#$%%$&%%$#!!!). But it's not hurting as bad as my left one did, so I'm just going to deal with it until after our honeymoon and then see where I'm at. Oh well. Until then, bring on the hiking! 

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but getting healthy and losing weight can be done - even with gimpy hips! Suuuuun in the skyyyyyyy...

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