
Cliffs Notes on Being Sleep Deprived and Drinking Wine

This bottle of cab quite literally had my initials on it. And it was worth the $10 extra I normally wouldn't spend on a wine (This $12 bottle is quite the deviation from my two-buck-chuck-filled rack. And dammit, I deserve it!). 

As you can tell, due to my lack of updating, life has been extremely busy. Since creativity has run dry and time is lacking, you will be graced with a cliff notes version of why I am running on E and using vino to refuel.

I went to Puerto Rico for a work trip last week! My photos are going to make it look like I was out vacationing, but these are the few I shots I can share that aren't work-related. While I was waking up at the equivalent of 2 a.m. PST everyday to start interviewing (I barely got to relax -- a true bummer), I got to see some amazing places, like El Castillo de San Cristobal. A "garito" is shown above, one of the sentry boxes that troops would use to spot enemy ships in the Atlantic. I also met some truly inspiring people, and got a chance to see a lot of the island in the short time I had. It was seriously one of the most beautiful and serene places I've ever been. Which is why I'm going back to explore the rest (one day)!

I also got to hike in El Yunque, the rain forest, which has a deep spiritual significance to Puerto Ricans. I guess not relaxing wasn't all that bad.

I had to celebrate the five minutes I did get on the beach by commemorating it with this photo. I got really self-conscious reading this book since I was traveling solo for part of my trip. Passersby probably thought I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Or that I was crazy because I couldn't stop laughing while reading it. I think Mindy Kaling is the Indian version of me. I was blown away by how much her life story resembled mine, all the way down to the Sound of Music re-enactments she did as a child. I recommend reading it while drinking a pina colada!

I also recommend getting a makeover to look like a true Boricua (the term for a native Puerto Rican)! Minus the stupid face. It was fun, but way more makeup than I'm used to wearing. 

In puppy news, Chika is on day three of being accident-free. Woohoo! Training the pups has been very time-consuming and my body is actually getting used to running on 5 hours of sleep and no more. 

Wedding planning is taking somewhat of a back seat only because it has to. My attention is split in so many directions, including planning events for my sister's wedding, that the last thing I really care to think about are headcounts and food. Although I do keep bringing home amazing cupcakes from Cupcake Royale (like the above Whiskey Maple Bacon...oh yeah. These are turning me into a frostitute). This bakery has been keeping me sane (but not skinny). 
Speaking of cupcakes, Weight Watchers has also been on the back burner too. Oops. Sorry Jennifer Hudson.  

Can you believe that's Bowser as a puppy? He looks like Chika. He's gotten so huge!
In more puppy noticias, I came home yesterday to find poop and diarrhea all over our house. My poor Bowsie got the equivalent of doggy food poisoning again. We're not quite sure what did it, but we did give him a pig ear for the first time the night before. It may have been that. I'm just glad it didn't take 4 hours to clean up and that the couch was spared (unlike last time). All I can say is, God bless the Bissel Spot Bot. 

Work has been super hectic, and staying on top of assignments is becoming quite the challenge, so I feel like I never escape the "go, go, go" mentality whether I'm at home or at work. Life just got a tiny bit insane. But hopefully it'll all calm down soon.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'm going to quit writing so I can enjoy my glass of wine. Less blog, more wine! 

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