

Soon I'll be living like a winner too. 
Charlie Sheen's catch phrase isn't something usually associated with me. I can lose your money in a casino so fast, you might as well just hand it all over to the bouncer before stepping inside. The only time I've won anything was was when I was eight, and I got a $25 gift card for winning a Safeway coloring contest. I was so ecstatic, that my dad has me on film running around the house screaming, "I won 25 smackers!"

Well lady luck was certainly on my side last week. It all started when I emailed a blogger at Seattle Metropolitan for a chance to win tickets to the Voila Wedding Show. I was ecstatic to find out that I was indeed the winner of these two free tickets (even if the total value was only $18), that I even told the blogger, "That's awesome! I never win anything!"

I attended the show with my future mother-in-law. She must be my lucky charm, because she helped me enter all the raffles and insisted there was a technique to folding the entry just right.

I entered all the contests my little heart desired and didn't think anything else of it. I already won the tickets there, wasn't that all the luck that was in store for me?

Well to my surprise, I got an email yesterday saying (drum roll please) that I had one the grand prize drawing, which was a free night's stay at the swanky hotel the show was held in! I was ecstatic! Free wedding night hotel - oh yeah! It's beautiful and the rooms look over Lake Washington.

But wait- there's more!

At the show, I was at a jeweler's booth, eyeing this beautiful wedding band that I didn't know I wanted until it entered my line of sight (oh and a ring for Fiance, I guess). Well, guess who just got a call with the news that they won a $50 gift certificate to the shop? Oh yeah! This guy! Free bling bling!!

My best friend was just telling me how luck happens in three's. Well, she was right!

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but take your mother-in-law with you anytime you have a chance at winning anything. Debbie, it's time to go play some Mega Millions!

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