
Conference Call Catastrophe

I really do hate writing about work, but I just couldn’t let this story go untold. This one of the most embarrassing things to almost happen to me.

I was getting ready to do some training via conference call and webinar. I looked at the webinar interface and dialed the conference call line I had manually put in there. The line rang as expected, but all of the sudden I heard jungle music and a woman’s sultry voice speaking dirty to me through the receiver. I had dialed a sex line!! I immediately hung up and thought, “Okay I must have missed a number when I dialed or something. No big deal.” I carefully re-dialed the number and it called the exact same line and I heard that nasty woman’s voice again. Panic mode!

That’s when realized I had an even bigger problem – all of the managers that would be accessing this training would be dialing the number I provided!

I quickly booked it out of the conference room and crash landed at my desk. On the verge of a major freak out, I saw that I had made the simple mistake of inputting 1-800 into the webinar information rather than 1-888.

I released a huge sigh of relief when I saw that I had typed the conference call number correctly in the Outlook Meeting Request I sent out. The number I had dialed incorrectly, would only be discoverable if the managers went onto the webinar interface and searched for the meeting, which luckily, no one did. Or if they had, they said nothing to me. Everything went as planned and the disaster was averted. Right?

Well, almost. I looked into other meetings I had set up using this same webinar tool, and realized I incorrectly typed in the sex hotline for future training sessions, and sent out the number on ALL of the Outlook meeting requests! Needless to say, emergency updates went out for everything and I’m praying that everyone gets them and the future training session occurs without incident.


I’ll keep you posted.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a wrong number can turn into career-ending mortification.

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