
When did I grow up?

Ay carumba. Bart Simpson’s infamous Spanish expression is the only phrase to describe how busy I’ve been (hence the lack of updating- sorry faithful readers). While training for a Half Marathon has been my favorite excuse to use (mainly because it sounds cool and time consuming), I have also been packing and hauling and moving in with my boyfriend. A first for us both!

So far it’s been an amazing two whole days. (Yeeeaaah. Check back with me later and see how I feel then.)

Because I’m stubborn and didn’t want to use any vacation time to prepare for the big move, my schedule this past week has been: work, run, pack, sleep, work, run, pack, sleep, work, run, pack, sleep. Two days before the move, in a fit of PMS rage, I declared, “I’M NOT RUNNING TODAY! I AM OVERWHELMED!” And I just packed all night instead. But now, I get to come home and relax.

Anyway, I’m getting off the subject before I’ve even started it. My point is that, I am more than excited to venture into this new step in our relationship. We even got a joint checking account to manage our bills, which really makes this step feel huge. It’s really like being married without the title (or the ring). I swear I’m not pressuring you Honey, just pointing out a fact. But I’m ready for this. He’s ready. And we’re excited to start our lives together, almost four years into our relationship.

Even my mom has said, “Now you and your boyfriend are one, so he’ll be around family functions more, huh?” I laughed. But it had some truth to it.

We’ve already begun learning each other’s quirks (and we thought we knew them all by now): He’s realized that I absolutely hate cleaning the shower and think anything more than once a week is a complete waste of time (he likes it daily). I’ve realized that he likes to leave wet towels on the bed. I’ve also realized that he absolutely cannot help but comment on something while I’m attempting to cook. He’s realized he cannot trust me alone in the kitchen. I’ve realized that nagging is the only way to get anything accomplished. He’s realized that if he doesn’t hear me nag him three times he won’t get it done. Oh love.

And while I had dreams of getting a dog immediately after our move-in date, my- I mean our- checking account is starving for money that is already designated to be spent on upcoming expenses such as a kitchen table, mixing bowls, a side table, not to mention our much-needed decorations and finally, saving up for his brother’s California wedding which will be here sooner than we know it. Realistically speaking, the dog isn’t happening until mid-summer at the earliest. But don’t worry. Our little family will be complete one day (that reassurance was more for me than it was for you).

But really, this truly is a milestone. I felt like an adult when I graduated college. I really felt like an adult when I landed my full-time job. But now, more than ever, I feel like I just woke up from being an 8 years old, and wondering when I became of age to move in with a boy.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, unless I break my boyfriend’s first. Just kidding! I love you honey!


  1. He is an interesting guy...isn't he? I am very happy that you've taken this step and wish you both lots of happy days together. (Of course, if you two feel like taking any other "steps" together I say GO FOR IT!!!!!! but, no pressure... ;)...hehe!) Love you both and can't wait to see your new place.


  2. Thanks for your support! We can't wait to have you guys over!
