

The last time I cried because I was overwhelmed with utter joy and happiness was when I was watching Extreme Home Makeover. And because this occurred each and every time it was on, I had to make a conscious decision to stop spending my Sunday nights as a smiling, blubbering mess. I now purposefully change the channel before Ty's bleached tips can have a chance to blind my eyes.

But then today, it happened again. The cause: a simple text message: your mom got on the transplant list in sf!!! love dad

Right when my eyes met the word "list," a grin sprung across my face from ear to ear and tears started pouring from my eyes. Did I mention I was walking into the grocery store? People were looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. We've been waiting to hear those words for a year and a half. I called my dad immediately and was walking aimlessly around the store, trying to remember why I drove there in the first place.

Once I hung up (and remembered to go towards the organic milk), I couldn't get through the line fast enough. I couldn't get out of the parking lot fast enough. The car in front of me wasn't going fast enough.

Once I was finally at my house. I bounded through the door and let out the biggest "whooo!!!" as though I were in a rock concert. I'm sure I kind of freaked out my new neighbors too. I did a happy dance all by myself, and practically jumped on my boyfriend when he came home from work. He even did a cartwheel in celebration with me :)

I called my mom and called my sisters and we celebrated through the receivers. I'm going home this weekend to celebrate some more.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but nothing will break my hope.

1 comment:

  1. YESSSSSS!!!!!! We are also doing the happy dance here.
    By the way, I would have loved to have seen that cartwheel.
