
Kentucky's Finest

Before I begin, please imagine yourself in Kentucky: banjos playing, people with three teeth running wild, crotchety folks with southern drawls sitting on their porch with straw hanging out of their mouths, and people ruling animal shelters who apparently do not know their animals.

The Ventura County Star reports that an animal shelter released a Shiba Inu into the wild, mistaking it for a coyote. This was decided after a wildlife "expert" was consulted. Not only did they put someones family pet at the mercy of real coyotes, they also cannot spell Shiba Inu correctly in their article, which you may read by clicking here. 

Needless to say, I was furious, because I was putting myself in the shoes of the dog owner and thinking of Bowser. (I know. Just call me the Crazy Dog Lady. I've fully accepted the title). 

I read this story on Monday.

On Tuesday, I was stopped while walking Bowser by a young man attempting to sell magazines to fund some trip to Cancun (like anyone would be sympathetic to THAT cause). While I did not buy into his scheme, I did strike up a friendly conversation, in which he revealed he was from Oklahoma, which is really just a stone's throw from Kentucky. No joke, he said, "What kinda dog is that? He looks like a coyote!" And coyote was pronounced (kai-oat).

I then asked if he was a wildlife expert before he was a magazine salesman. Okay I'm lying, that would have been rude. But I really couldn't believe my ears. What a coinkydink.

I shouldn't be so critical, as I did believe that a barracuda was a jungle cat for over two decades, but STILL.That doesn't count people. We're talking about dogs. Everyone knows what dogs look like. And if anyone should know, it better be a wildlife expert.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but we seriously need to get some more funding to the US education system and quit spending it on war. They're getting dumber in the south folks!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, that picture made me want to barf almost as bad as our beta dorm dinner discussions.

    And second, how could that happen? that is ridiculous...and they released it behind a home improvement store? As if that is going to ensure the cai-oat stays away from humans? What is this world coming to?!
