
Lady Luck

 Isn't he cute?

Lo and behold - I got a job writing for a corporate magazine! So someone is actually going to PAY me to do THIS for a living! So it won't be Sticks and Stones material (unlike my Dlist column which I still plan to write for now). I mean, don't get me wrong - I don't know what company wouldn't want a sarcastic columnist on their staff, but something tells me shareholders wouldn't take too well to my style. This will still be my forum to bitch and moan about everything and anything. Don't you worry! You sticks and stoners will still get your fix. Nonetheless, I can actually call myself a WRITER! I never thought I'd get to say that, even though I've always been one really.

I found out today that I got the promotion and I seriously thought they were kidding. I was told there was going to be a whole separate interview process after the last one I went through. Apparently, they were so impressed with my interview that they felt I had already blew all 43 applicants out of the water and decided to eliminate the rest of the process and hire me!

And if that isn't luck, when I went to visit my mom in the hospital, not only was she doing well, but the lady in the car in front of me somehow broke the parking attendants cash register and I didn't have to pay for parking!

AND on top of that, I went to Kohls and got four pairs of shoes for $30! I know. Simply amazing.

Is this my day or WHAT? I like the saying, when it rains it pours, but only when it pertains to luck being on my side for the first time ever.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I think I need to go buy a lottery ticket. Shoot!

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