
Movin' on up, to the east side...

View from my Seattle apartment

While most of my friends are getting hitched, settling down, and having kids fly out of their nether regions, I'm just now making the decision to move in with my boyfriend. We've been together for almost fo. long. yers (Thank you, Maury). I'm more than content with the pace my relationship is going. But the decision to move in together came with much trepidation on my part. It's not that I'm afraid to live with my boyfriend. I'm afraid of moving back to the SUBURBS.

I'm abandoning the flying fish at the market, grunge music and indie coffee shops for the clicking of designer high heels, chihuahuas in sweaters, and beemers (Oh wait. My boyfriend has one already. Our sickening transformation has already begun!).

The thing is, I'm more than familiar with the suburbs, being that I've lived in some form of one for 24 out of 25 years of my life. Living in Seattle was a welcome change. Oh the things you do for love (and a short commute).

While I'm happy I had my short time in Seattle, I will definitely miss the following (in order of importance):

  1. Living two blocks from Ezell's Fried Chicken.
  2. Frequent runs at Greenlake after gorging myself on Ezell's Fried Chicken.
  3. People watching from my window (I have a great story about watching a drunk bum that you will read very soon).
  4. Taking the five minute bus ride downtown.
  5. Random afternoon trips to Pike Place.
  6. Spontaneous Happy Hours.
  7. Beautiful sunsets across the Puget Sound and Olympic Mountains.
  8. Uwajimaya.
  9. Watching student drivers of Hong Kong Driving School.
  10. Cheap cab rides back from Belltown.
  11. Cool events/concerts being super close.
  12. Living on top of Quiznoes. Especially when I'm out of groceries.
  13. The socially awkward, yet entertaining guy that makes my sandwich at Quiznoes.
  14. Living across the street from Starbucks when it's the next morning and I'm still too lazy to go buy groceries.
  15. Cactus!!! Best Mojitos ever.
  16. Madison Park in the summer.
  17. Being two blocks from Ezell's Fried Chicken!
  18. My view of Mt. Rainier and the Puget Sound.
  19. I saved the best for last: My awesome roomie!
I won't miss the following (in order of annoyance):
  1. Gunshots
  2. Creepers
  3. Sirens 24/7 (I live by a fire station, and I live by a lot of creepers)
  4. Traffic
  5. People yelling at each other at the bus stop below my window
  6. Red Apple (worst grocery store in the history of retail)
  7. Parades (they always seem to happen when I'm trying to go home from work and they are marching on my street!)
But that's about it, really. I'm only moving 20 minutes outside of the city. I'll be visiting very frequently :)

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but at least I won't get shot in suburbia. Lets hope.

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