

Success! I made lasagna for the first time ever last night, AND I used a complicated recipe. Well complicated for me. It included homemade sauce, which was delicious. It felt good not to sabotage or burn a new dish on the first try. Usually I end up buying double ingredients because the first time around usually involves the fire department. But here it is, in all it's glory:

Let's not go in to the fact that I was covered in sauce and that I nearly assaulted the dog with a wine glass that fell off the counter and broke in his dish. I didn't say it wasn't eventful.

I did say to myself as I was slaving away, "Man I would hate to be a housewife in the '50s." I was sweating and the whole thing took 2.5 hours to make. Then my boyfriend comes home to dinner cooking (for the first time ever) and says, "Man it would've been awesome to be a man in the '50s! I could get used to this!"

I simply said, "Don't."

If you're interested, here is the recipe. It really is World's Best Lasagna.

I'm getting a little cocky and plan to attempt Pumpkin Bread this weekend. Now baking....that's another story.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but cooking and I are beginning to get even.

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