
What do you mean it's already 2012?

Now that the new year is upon us, 2011 is certainly leaving me wondering when childhood ended and adulthood began. I’ve pondered this before in previous posts, but aside from landing a full-time job, nothing feels more adult than a ring on your finger. Shouldn’t I still be listening to Mmmbop and practicing how to parallel park for my driving test? What do you mean my friends have kids? Where the hell did time go?

Since I pretty much abandoned my readers this holiday season, let me fill you in on where the last month went at least. As for the other 11 months (or last 10 years for that matter), I really can’t tell ya.

  • I managed to avoid getting overly drunk at my department’s holiday shin dig this year (although last year’s conversation, which has been aptly titled “Confessions of Hanson Fan,” was brought up again).
  • Fiance (still getting used to that word!) and I visited the snowy, Christmas-y, Bavarian town of Leavenworth, WA and ate delicious German food. I am now a huge fan of red sauerkraut.
  • We celebrated all kinds of holiday merriment with our families.
  • We may have found a good method to celebrate with all of our families without dragging ourselves around the entire state of Washington in a single day.

In all, I was able to keep my cool much better than I did last year. No Grinch here this holiday season!

As fun as the holidays were, nothing has quelled my excitement for our upcoming nuptials – best holiday event by far! But with that said, nothing can be more heinous than listening to someone talk/bitch/freak out about their wedding 24/7. Due to my personal experiences with Bridezillas, I’m determined not to become one. I have granted everyone permission to call me out, and/or use a safety word (banana) if I’m talking wedding way too much or being a downright pill. I’m not kidding. That’s how much I don’t want to piss people off. In fact, I promise not to blog about it too much. Sticks and Stones is not about to turn into theotherknot.com (btw, theknot.com has got to be the most overwhelming website in the history of the world wide web).

Anywho, the only thing I’ll say is that we’re getting married October 6th. We’ll have a fabulous autumn wedding, with plenty of time to plan, try on dresses (yay!) and make honeymoon arrangements (double yay!).

So, I’m charging into 2012 with these goals in mind:

  1. Keep calm and carry on- no Bridezilla!
  2. Do a better job investing in my health (a.k.a lose weight). And/or purchase a forgiving dress.
  3. Survive whatever happens if the world decides to implode on Dec. 21, 2012 (but that’s after the wedding/honeymoon so…whatevs).

I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be a good year indeed!

And now - on to our New Year’s Eve celebration!

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but if you always party like it’s 1999, you’ll be confused when you realize 2012 has rolled around.


We're Tying the Knot!

The REAL ring bling!

Ok - I have two seconds to breathe so allow me update you quickly - WE'RE ENGAGED! And no, none of my anxiety dreams came true. I didn't get brass knuckles, it didn't fall apart. It's perfect! I can't wait to be a Mrs. :) And no we don't have a date yet, so next summer-ish is my answer for now. And if you really want to know how he did it, you're going to have call me for it. Sorry to those I don't know outside the internet.

The crazy holiday season is catching up, so I doubt I'll be able to post much in the coming weeks. So until, then Merry Christmas!

Our official family!


11 Holiday Lessons (so far...)

I'm one of those nutty, holiday-loving, real life Clark Griswold personalities that really get into the holidays. I love watching old nostalgic cartoons (everyday of December), listening to holiday tunes (even on my headphones at work), and going as far as attempting "All I Want for Christmas Is You" about two hours after Thanksgiving dinner is over. But we all know, as we get older, this time of year becomes increasingly stressful and less "Yay! Santa!" So I've made a list of helpful advice to get you through this time of year:
  1. Don’t trust your dog to behave unsupervised around wrapped presents or ornaments (even if he or she was a complete angel around these items as a puppy). You will come home to a colorful mess, pick up colorful dog poo, and be forced to repurchase gifts.
  2. First attempts at making hot buttered rum may result in wasted in-laws and great memories. Less rum, more butter next time.
  3. The holiday season is football season! Don’t attempt to go to a Seahawks game on a Thursday night. What is normally a 20-minute drive to the stadium will force you to enjoy speeds of one tire rotation per hour and an insatiable craving for mass murder.
  4. There is such thing as doggy pink eye, and no, they won’t quit licking their butts no matter how much they hate their eye drops. (I understand this is not specifically holiday related, but it really can happen to you during this time of year and force you to pay a ridiculous vet bill on top of other purchases you may be making at this time of year. Sigh.)
  5. Feed your significant other a big breakfast on Thanksgiving day to mitigate any future alcohol intake. Failure to do so will result in the significant other falsely accusing their mother of slipping roofies into drinks, and thus blacking out and missing all of Thanksgiving.
  6. Do make these pumpkin muffins and give them to everyone you know (ignore that the website is for pioneer women - I didn’t know they we were still marketing to those who travel in covered wagons). Don’t be surprised if you get a raise, a promotion or an engagement ring. You’re welcome.
  7. Do start your Christmas shopping early, and revel in the fact that you are done on Dec. 1 while everyone else is scrambling. Nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. (Just don’t leave wrapped gifts out - see #1).
  8. Start (or continue) a beautiful relationship with a crock pot. Who has time to make dinner with everything else going on? We’re still in the honeymoon stage with our crock pot. You can make meals cheaply, deliciously, and have them waiting for you when you get home. It’s like having an electric stay-at-home mom! (Or stay-at-home dad. We’re progressive here at Sticks and Stones. Our crock pot just happens to be a woman.)
  9. If your domestic partner is more of a scrooge than a large adult who still believes in Santa (please refer to "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"), play holiday tunes and watch holiday movies incessantly until they have crossed over to the dark side with you. If your plan backfires and only throws them into rage blackouts, gift them this ornament as an apology.
  10. Make time for cocoa. There's always time for cocoa!
  11. Reserve days to lounge in sweatpants! (This is now the 11th commandment. Harold Camping told me so). Don’t pack your schedule so full that you can’t even remember what happened over the holidays. Enjoy every moment with friends and family, but know when to say, “Sorry, we’re busy. Can we take a rain check?” You will maintain your sanity (or at least most of it).

My December calender seriously looked like this last year. Never again!
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but heeding my advice will lead to a happy holiday season!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Gobble gobble. 

Happy Thanksgiving! There's so much to be thankful for each and every day. As much as I bitch about silly, trivial things on my blog, I really am thankful for each and every blessing in life. Since I won't be able to see everyone I love today, I wanted to give a very public thank you to everyone I love and everything I'm thankful for.

First of all, I am so, so thankful for organ donation (if you're able to be a donor - do it!!)! Thank God for my mom's smooth liver transplant recovery. She is now cancer-free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!! I can't put enough exclamation points (oh look and a one snuck in there)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also thankful for arthroscopic hip surgery (I promise an 87 year-old is not writing this post)! Today I went up to the gym (yes, on Thanksgiving) and rode the bike for 20 minutes, and I feel great. The pain is becoming less everyday. Slowly but surely, I'll be back doing the things I love. I even have my sites set on some hiking trails once the weather clears up.

After the roller coaster year I've had, I truly realized what a wonderful support network I have.

I am so thankful to my own family (immediate and extended) that we emerged this year stronger than before. While I'm sad I won't be there with you today to celebrate, I'll be driving down soon to enjoy leftover stuffing in the near future (yes, that is a threat - hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your leftovers).

I am so thankful for my wonderful friends who have lent their ears and hearts to me throughout the year and throughout life! My best friend and I recently realized that we've known each other for 20 years! Cheers to lifelong friendships!

I have to give huge, huge thanks to my boyfriend and his family. They have been so wonderful to me throughout the entirety of this year. Boyfriend has been my rock through the ugliest times. He was there for me when I was at my worst and has helped keep me sane when I felt like everything was falling apart. His family has also been there for me and my whole family, offering their love and support in any way they could. I feel blessed to have such amazing future in-laws.

So thank you thank you thank you to everyone, everywhere. I love you all and I'm thankful for you all! And I'm thankful for stuffing and pumpkin pie, and even you, Bowsie, and sweats, and tea....okay I better stop here or this could go on forever...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but never forget to count your blessings.


Five Guys and a Dumb Ass

I'm salivating just looking at this photo. HELP! image from here.

Our little town was finally graced by Five Guys burgers. I have to admit that in the week I realized it was open, I have eaten there three times. I know, I know – you don’t have to tell me I’m on the path to cardiac arrest. But they’re the best burgers I’ve ever eaten. EVER! And I was a previous fan of Dick’s and Red Mill, for all of you Seattleites out there. So you know this is a big deal!

While the Five Guys burgers are little patties of heaven, the intelligence of the workers creating them leaves much to be desired. Maybe my expectations for fast food workers are just way too high, but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are not complete dumbasses before I hear them speak. But once I hear your voice, the judgment has already been made.

So on outing number 2 of 3, I decided to submit my order online. I typed in my own name, which appears in their computer system just as I typed it. Hana (rhymes with Donna).

I walk in to pick up my manna, and say, “Hi, I’m here to pick up an online order for Hana.”

There is only one bag waiting to be picked up on their shelf. ONE. The pimply idiot looks at it confused and says, “Uh…we have a Hannah?”

My sister (who I peer pressured into trying this gateway drug for the first time) just started laughing.

Seriously? I just told you how to say it. Now you’re telling me how to pronounce my own name? I don’t think so. I didn’t have time to help him clap it out. He was in the way of me and my burger. I simply said, “Yeah, whatever,” and took my bag from his hands as quickly as I could, so I could intravenously shoot grease into my arteries faster.

I swear. An intervention may be needed in the near future if I’m not even stopping to correct this level of idiocy anymore. I’ve heard some pretty stupid things in regards to my name (my previous favorite: You spelled your name wrong Hannah!) but this just proves my inner fat kid has taken over these days.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but stay away from Five Guys unless you want to start an insatiable addiction.


Why I Hate My Blog

I can’t lie – I have a love/hate relationship with this blog. And it’s not just this blog, but social media in general. It has interrupted what I would call the natural social process – you know, visiting with people, calling them up to say hi, writing them a letter. These have all gone the way of the status update (and/or in my case, the blog).

Don’t get me wrong – social media certainly has its benefits. I enjoy that I can still keep in touch with people who I am physically unable to see on a daily basis. However, social media should not replace your entire relationship just because it’s more convenient. Did you have more fun g-chatting with someone or actually going out and having dinner with them? Did you get a better update by reading a facebook status or by spending the day together?

I love having readers, it’s just that I hate when those that I'm close to use my blog as a means for keeping tabs on me, rather than picking up the phone or making plans to do so.

I also hate that when the face-to-face visit does finally happen, and I have to compete with a screen for attention when I’m trying to have a conversation. What ever happened to playing board games or having a good conversation around a fire place? Or (gasp!) going somewhere without your cell phone? I miss the days when technology wasn’t the center of our lives.

I know my particular blog airs out what goes on in my personal life (which is 90 percent of the problem) but I’m best at writing what I know. And I enjoy poking fun at daily musings. And as far as I can tell, you’re reading it because you enjoy it too.

But I don’t post everything that happens to me in life, nor do I want to. So if you really want to stay in touch, don’t use this blog and assume you’ve done your due diligence in the relationship department.

Excuse me, as I go pull a 21st-century Henry David Thoreau. I’m going Walden and retreating into the web-o-sphere.


Flight Passengers, Chardonnay and Sushi

Imagine this guy in the middle seat. Yeah. I got to sit next to him. Image from here

I was just trying to get to San Francisco. It all started when the TSA thought I had a pocket knife on me at SeaTac - note to self: Don’t bring purses with big metal emblems when traveling again. Thanks to the designers at Guess for making security even more of a hassle.

Then, once I finally boarded the plane, I sat next to a guy who really should have purchased a second seat, rather than convincing himself that he could still wedge into the middle seats in coach. But that was only the first of my issues with him - he decided he was going to rest his laptop on his belly and proceeded to type hunt and peck with his elbows directly out to each side (I wish I were exaggerating). If I ever had a personal bubble to begin with, he ensured it was non-existent by the time I left. No matter how far I kept edging my seat back or smashing up against the window, his elbows still managed to make contact with me. He also had restless leg syndrome and kept jittering his foot on my foot. My eye was twitching. Bad.

Then he kept insisting that Lady Gaga was 47 years old, which even though I could care less about Lady Gaga, he was just speaking out of his ass which was yet another strike against him. Seriously? 47? Have you heard of The Google? Try 25. Yeah. You’re off by 22 years.

At one point, he actually turned to me and said, “What a beautiful day to fly!” What I should have said in response was, “For who?! Thanks for being the second worst person I’ve ever sat next to on a flight.” Instead of, “I know, right?” (My inner-valley girl comes out if I’m super annoyed).

The absolute worst person I sat next to during a flight required wine and sleeping pills to survive. It was a 10-hour non-stop flight to London. B.O. and a barfing baby will do that.

He then decided to squish me even more by trying to stick his laptop in the seat pocket in front of him. He could barely get his legs open to reach the freaking thing. Once he achieved his arduous goal, he turned to me and said, "Can you remind me not to forget that?" Suddenly, I've been enslaved as his freaking administrative assistant. WTF?!

Then, some other unfortunate soul decided to go nuts at the Costco food court and eat seven polish dogs before boarding the plane. If it was possible to crop dust by burping, they achieved it. I couldn’t tell which direction it was coming from, but it seemed to linger in front of my face for an inhuman amount of time. Only my dog’s bowels can achieve that kind of legacy. This person’s mouth needed an enema. It was probably Lady Gaga’s biggest fan, but I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt on at least one offense.

On a brighter note, once I made it safely to San Fran, I was delighted to find a gratis welcome bottle of chardonnay in my hotel room. I did the logical thing and attempted to open it with a paper clip before spotting the wine bottle opener. I was that desperate, and clearly not as skilled as MacGyver - I skipped the whole wine glass thing, took a swig straight from the bottle, and then proceeded to spill wine all over my pants. And of course, I was to meet my boss in the lobby in twenty minutes. I was worried I would reek of chardonnay. Luckily, he didn’t notice (or he at least didn’t say anything). Now I’ll be contacted by the Care Network saying that an anonymous source was concerned about my drinking problem. Oh well. At least we got sushi.

We ate the best sushi of my life at Ryoko’s Japanese Restaurant and Bar. It’s on the corner of Taylor and Sutter. If you ever find yourself in downtown San Fran, GO HERE. I command you. You won’t regret it. I had an insanely delicious dragon and tiger roll and lots of tuna sashimi! To top it off, dessert was tempura ice cream! My inner-fat kid rejoiced and the world was a happier, brighter place. And I got to use one of my five Japanese phrases I know (You’re Welcome). Grandma would be proud! (I should have said phrase 2 of 5 - oishides - this is delicoius!).

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but sushi cures all. Except it might accidentally trigger a chain reaction...like this one time...the week is still young - yikes!


I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!

I once slid under a parked van while riding my pink Huffy. I don't think you could do that on this bike. Image from here.
 I did it – I lasted for a whole 15 minutes on the recumbent bike today. Never thought I’d be so excited over 15 minutes of stationary biking in my life. But this whole healing process is forcing me to appreciate even the slightest improvement in mobility. I’m learning that patience truly is a virtue. And I really don’t want to eff up my hip in the process of trying to heal it. 

My dermatologist has some other suspicions about my health and is having me evaluated by a rheumatologist on my 27th birthday. Nothing rings in another year older better than an arthritis evaluation. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they find nothing, but it is yet another mark on my “You Know You’re Approaching Senior Citizenship When…” checklist. 

My mom brought up a good point though – she said “You’re only as old as you feel, and if you keep convincing yourself you’re old, you’re going to start feeling it too. So quit it! Just focus on healing your hip and let that be the end of it.”

She always was the voice of reason. Except for this one time

My inner-fat kid has now hijacked the rest of this post: 

Since mobility has been limited, I’ve attempted to improve my diet. Attempted is the key word in that sentence. My attempts keep getting foiled by sweets. I was doing well until I made the decision to bake pumpkin cookies with browned butter frosting over the weekend. It became dinner one night, and after sneaking him a bite, Bowser is now addicted as well. Boyfriend was in LA at a big nerd fest, so he was unable to cook for me like usual (I know – I totally lucked out with a cooking bf). I’m pretty much a disaster in the kitchen if whatever I’m attempting to cook doesn’t call for at least one cup of sugar. And that’s why my meals consisted of fruity pebbles and beef jerky before Boyfriend and I moved in together. 

Yesterday, I kept telling myself, “Today is the day! I’m going to eat an apple and not candy.” And then my department got pumpkin pie for my upcoming birthday. And you KNOW I don’t even try to resist pumpkin pie. Girl, are you crazy? Who turns down a piece of pumpkin pie?

Today I’ve been eating healthy, despite stopping by the store after work so I could get all the ingredients to make these pumpkin muffins (Don’t hate - I can’t let my can of pumpkin go to waste, okay?) YUM. I’m going to bring them into work though so they’re not laying around my house. I’ll only eat one…okay two max. 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but stationary bikes and sweets will always bring me joy.


So...does that make me a z-list celebrity?

In case you find yourself laying around this weekend, Anna Newell Jones of And Then She Saved was a guest on the Nate Berkus show yesterday! I did a guest post for her in July.You can watch the episode online. She's got some great tips on the show, and on her blog. Check it out!


Si se puede!

This has got to be the most frightening rendition of Humpty that I've ever seen. Image from here.
Good news! I may not be banned from running forever after all. I went to see my orthopedic surgeon today (who is now my new bff) and he gave me a set of exercises to start my rehabilitation: Three different stretches and a series of stationary bike workouts. The ultimate goal is to be able to bike for 30 minutes without pain, and then advance to the elliptical. This whole process will take four months (which is a bit agonizing to me, being that I would train for a half marathon in less time than that). My first workout (tomorrow) will be a whopping 10 minutes long. But, you gotta start somewhere. And I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to haul my gym bag around again.

My new bff asked, “What are your fitness goals? How active do you want to be?”

I said, “Well, I know it’s preferred that I stick to more low-impact activities, but I really would like to get back to running if I could.”

He said, “Yes, we do recommend low impact activities, but if you want to get back into running, we can make that happen. Let’s see how you are doing at the four-month mark and if you’re ready, I can give you a new set of exercises to begin preparing your muscles for running again.”

MUSIC TO MY EARS! The hills are aliiiiive with the sound of wheezing from a person who hasn't run in a long time.

Although, I have to say, I don’t plan to do anything more than the occasional 5k. The amount of running needed to train for a half marathon is just too much for my old lady hips to take. I don’t want to ever have to go through hip surgery again, but I do want to feel the exhilaration of crossing a finish line. I miss that adrenaline rush more than anything. I also miss fitting into a decently-sized pair of jeans. I want nothing more than to bury my new jeans fat girl pants in the corner of my closet, never to be seen again.

Of course, before I left my appointment I tripped and caught myself right in front of the doctor, who said, “Oh no. Don’t do that now.” A warning not to derail my recovery.

My new bff hasn’t known me all that long to realize that tripping and displaying a complete lack of grace is only my nature. Sigh. Let’s hope I don’t get the best myself before any of this rehab can commence.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will see to it that humpty dumpty can be put back together again.


A second post about my muffin top

A funeral was held in my closet this weekend. I spent my Sunday figuring out which garments no longer fit properly, and to my dismay, half of my wardrobe landed in the "too fat to wear" pile. I tried on every pair of jeans I own. About three of them give me an acceptable muffin-top. By acceptable, I mean I can somewhat cover it with a baggy top without showing the world my best troll doll impression. The other 10 pairs were in the "Costco-sized muffin top" category that no amount of fabric can conceal.

Alas, I lit candles and said a prayer for the garments that had to be shoved to the deep recesses of my closet, hoping that they would be safe from moths until the day they could graduate to the acceptable muffin-top pile. The upside is, I won't have to spend much on a Halloween costume. I can just wear my tightest pair of jeans, a belly shirt, and tape some blueberries to my belly and go as a Costco bakery item.

I recently removed all forms of physical activity from my facebook profile, being as I am such a danger to myself that any sort of movement is considered risky. But the real nail in the coffin was the new addition to my facebook interests: sweatpants. Running, yoga, hiking, all swapped for the one interest/activity that I can safely partake in.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hip injuries will force couch potato-itis on you.


Ring Bling

This is how they say "I love you" in his family. Image from here.
This has been the year of weddings – several of my friends have tied the knot and next year, my sister is getting hitched (yay!). Of course Boyfriend and I have discussed our own wedding many a time (he would say, ad nauseam, I was say, not enough). But all this talk has spurred some pretty interesting dreams over the past year, particularly involving the ring:

Brass Knuckle Bliss

I’m in dream land, and the big moment happens: Boyfriend gets on his knee to propose, and out from behind his back comes the ring brass knuckles with his last name encrusted in diamonds across the top. I was speechless. I was excited that he finally asked, but completely disgusted at what was being presented to me. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I gratefully accepted the brass knuckles and went to go tell my friends. They were all laughing at my brass knuckles and I kept asking, “What do I do? What do I tell him?” Then I woke up relieved that I didn’t have to ask him to return brass knuckles. Although he now threatens to get me some nice knucks for our wedding day (dangit).

Plastic Shields and Quartz Crystal are a Girl’s Best Friend

Just last night, I was back in dreamland. I was getting ready for work when Boyfriend pulled me in the guest room. He got down on one knee and proposed. Instead of brass knuckles, this time I got a thing we referred to as a ring in my dream. Except this “ring” had a mini-plastic shield all around it. Its purpose was to protect the gems from getting damaged and falling out. But right after the proposal, the biggest gem fell out of the middle. When I picked it up, it was a huge hunk of quartz crystal. I was like, "Uh honey...can we get another ring? I'm not sure I like this one."

Boyfriend suggested we superglue it back to the base. He was so proud of this ring, but I just couldn’t do it. So I again insisted we get a different one.

Boyfriend got all butt-hurt and went off on how unappreciative I was.

I woke up laughing because I knew there was no way this ridiculousness was real. I'm hoping the real deal is nothing like dreamland.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but brass knuckles and plastic shields make for terrible engagement rings.


The Health Gods Hate Me...Sorta

Fall is here. 
Because I need more afflictions, I've been suffering from a sore throat and runny nose for the past few days. Just in time to ring in fall. I thought I deserved a break from health crap, being as I've already done my due diligence in the injury department this year. Oh well. Other than keeping Stash Tea in business and eating decongestants like candy, I'm pretty much on the mend from my hip surgery which was three weeks ago (time flies!).

Stitches are out, my wounds are nearly healed, my crutches have retired to the garage (for good I hope), and I just started driving again a few days ago. Woohoo! I've also been able to walk Bowser a little bit, although this has been a bit challenging with all the hills in our neighborhood. Lucky for me, he's been pretty accommodating of his gimpy mama.

This fall weather is making me crave a good hot yoga session, but it'll still be at least a few months before I'll be able to do something like that. I find out what kind of rehabilitation exercises I'll be doing early next month - I'm hoping I don't need physical therapy and they can just give me some exercises to do at home. I've already paid more than enough in PT bills this year, which was a complete waste of time and only made my hip worse.

To update you on the podcast invite, I'll be speaking with Heidi Durrow and Fanshen Cox on Mixed Chicks Chat on February 8th! It's a little ways out, so I'll remind you guys to tune in once we get closer.

Until next time, sticks and stones may break my bones, but the health gods will smite you.


So excited!

I got some amazing feedback from yesterday's post (thank you faithful readers!), including some from Heidi Durrow herself!

Not only was I flattered that Heidi liked yesterday's post, she also invited me to be a part of her regular podcast Mixed Chicks Chat! I enthusiastically accepted and I'll let you know once I have more information about it :)


I am American. Hear me roar.

My mini, multi-racial family and our Japanese dog :)
It is not often that I have written about my ethnicity on my blog. But I just finished reading one of the most touching books, The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Heidi Durrow, and I couldn't help but bring it up.

I have to give big props to Heidi for poignantly writing from the perspective of a mixed race girl. I don't know that I have ever read a fiction book with a biracial character. Everything I've read about being multiracial has been sociological studies.

Rachel, the book's main character, is half black and half Danish, growing up in the Pacific Northwest after a terrible family tragedy. Rachel tries to find her place among her peers and immediately feels like she doesn't belong with other African Americans, nor is she completely accepted by her white peers.

Growing up in two worlds but never quite belonging in any one of them is very true to my own experience (yet I had about three worlds to choose from). I am a quarter black, a quarter Japanese, white and one-sixteenth Hawaiian. But in all honestly I have always loathed telling others I'm part Hawaiian. I'm not ashamed, nor do I have anything against Hawaiians, but so many people would latch on to that little bit of me and deny the fact that my pigment has more to do with being African American.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Oh but you don't look black" or even worse "You don't act black." I've heard, "Wow you've really taken after your Hawaiian side." I have so many stories I could tell, but let's stop for a minute. How much influence does one-sixteenth really have on my appearance? I look like a short version of my mom who is black and Japanese. And that is why I deny being Hawaiian.

My cousins, I'm sure have all had different experiences, based on the way the gene pool has been distributed in my family. We're all mixed with varying quantities of the same ethnicities. Some appear to be only African American, others could even pass for being only Caucasian. How we all appear has influenced the groups we most identify with and least identify with.

My boyfriend is half white and half Mexican, born in Chihuahua, Mexico, yet most people are shocked to find this out due to his light skin and hazel eyes. While he doesn't deny being Mexican, he identifies more with being white. And even though him and I are both multiracial, I have had more jarring experiences with ignorant assholes based on my darker pigment.

I've been accused of "acting white" (by both black and white people) as Rachel is in the book, and yet I find that I identify more with being black and Japanese. Maybe it's because I'm very close to my biracial mother. Who knows? Insert sociological study here.

Boyfriend and I were having a good discussion about this over dinner one night. He thought it was neat that there was a book written from this perspective, and brought up the point that it was only in 1967 (when both of our parents were around 10 years old) when interracial marriages were even deemed legal in the U.S., based on a Supreme Court decision. Being multiracial has only begun to gain more awareness and acceptance within our own generation.

Of course there were interracial marriages and mixed children before. But you had to identify with being one or the other. My own mother's birth certificate identifies her as "Negroid", even though she is also half Japanese. Not to mention, it is completely politically incorrect to identify somebody that way. We've come a ways from the 50s. It wasn't until my own post-high school experiences that I even began seeing options to check "more than one race" rather than the "other" box or "choose one."

The bottom line is, you can be many within one. I am proud of my ethnicity and heritage, and I am proud to see more people celebrating being mixed.

*Fun fact: my second language is Spanish. I only know a handful of phrases Japanese, and I can count to ten. Expect the unexpected.


Hip Surgery Complete!

That dangly thing is my torn labrum. Sayonara, sucka!
Eleven months after I began having hip pain, I finally had surgery to fix it yesterday. The good news is, they didn't find the bone impingement they thought I had, so all they had to do was remove a good chunk of my labrum. They also drilled slightly into my bone so that it would generate new labrum (who knew joints could do that? The human body is amazing!). 

They filmed the whole surgery, which initially I didn't think I would watch. But I changed my mind and found it to be really interesting. My labrum was misshapen and detached from a different piece of cartilage it was supposed to be pals with, and it was slipping in and out of my joint causing me all of that pain. I have photo evidence as well, but I'll spare you the rest of the stomach-churning media. 

The surgery only took an hour, and I don't remember a thing about it. The last thing I remember before they put me under, was the anesthesiologist asking if I was nervous (which I totally was). "Your heart rate shot up! It's in your target zone for running a marathon. Don't be worried - you're in great hands here!" Then I went to sleep. 

I barely remember this, but the first thing I asked the nurse when I woke up is if they fixed me. When she said yes, I then asked if I could go hiking. She laughed, "Probably not today." 

Then she wheeled me out, and the first thing I asked Boyfriend was if he could cook me pancakes, hasbrowns and maple sausage. The nurse interrupted again and said I could only eat lightly that day. She was pretty much ruining my day's plans. 

But she really did end up being right. I was pretty drugged up most of yesterday (and today) and my mom came up to visit and help Boyfriend wait on me and make me comfortable. 

When I got home, Bowser instantly sensed something was wrong with me and followed me around all day, sniffing me, giving me kisses and laying by me. If he got up for awhile, he returned to the room every so often to check on me. He's such a great dog!

The drugs I'm on have me dreaming all kinds of craziness. Boyfriend came in to bed long after I had fallen asleep last night. I don't know what I thought was happening, but the second he came in the room, I started shrieking and screaming, and Bowser jumped off the bed and started barking, and I woke my mom up who was sleeping down the hall (and probably my neighbors too). 

Boyfriend, who was half-asleep prior to the shriek attack, was wide awake now and said, "Calm down! It's just me. Sheez!" 

Sorry, everyone!

I'm able to bear weight on my hip and walk a little bit, but I will still be on crutches so I can take it easy. I'm feeling better than I thought I would and look forward to starting my rehabilitation exercises so I can be active again. Hiking, biking and hot yoga are on my goals of things to do next year. I'm so happy the hard part is over and so thankful for all the well wishes and prayers my family and friends said for me. They really did help!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but being in good health is priceless (and this post is pretty darn good for being on Oxy!). 



I liked Anna Newell Jones' post so much today that I'm just linking to it for my own update. Sweet, simple, to the point:


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but we could all break a few spending habits.


Jam Summer into 2 Weeks - GO!

After a whirlwind month of weddings, weekend trips, yachts, Las Vegas and machine guns, I'm finally home! I know - I lead a rough life. I have no patience to write out exactly what went down, so in my usual too-much-has-happened-and-I-don't-really-feel-like-writing fashion, here are highlights and a picture montage:

We recently saw Daniel Tosh perform live. It was freaking hilarious and I took a bunch of poor-quality photos like the one below.

My best friend got married and I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. It was loads of fun and this picture is an example of how drunk I got.

I went on a yacht tour of my hometown with friends and it was a gorgeous sunny day out. Besides a little seasickness (I am a shame to my sailor ancestors), it was a total blast. 

Afterwards we went to a brewery where we became convinced we were all gangsta. 

The very next day, Boyfriend and I jetted off to Las Vegas. This picture is an example of how drunk Boyfriend got. Lazy River at MGM, mofos!

We also started hunting for some venues for getting married next year! First we need to get engaged, but we'll keep you posted on what we decide. I've already said too much :) 

After wedding venue hunting, we let off some steam by shooting machine guns at Las Vegas Gun Range! I shot my very first gun, a fully-automatic, 9mm Uzi. 

We had such a blast and now I'm tired as hell. Next on the agenda: hip surgery. Wah :(


Bad Day + Cheap Wine = New Post

God Bless Charles Shaw. Picture hijacked from here

It was one of those days where I recklessly changed lanes, cut people off and sped home so I could get closer to a glass of two-buck chuck. Okay it was actually a $4 bottle of Fish Eye Merlot because I couldn't find the two-buck chuck. Bastards.

Work has just been insane. I'm only there for a couple days over the next month (yay vacation, boo hip surgery) so I'm just trying to tie up loose ends. But it seems like every time I knock one thing off my to-do list another forty wind up on it. It's really discouraging and makes me do psycho things like give old people the finger as I crazily pass them in desperation of a cheap glass of wine. (Okay let's face it - anyone going a smidge under the speed limit gets the finger from me regardless of age, race, gender or creed. I'm an equal opportunist). 

Life outside of work has been pretty hectic too, so I just go through my days exhausted. So that big, meaningful post I mentioned in my last entry is just going to have to wait until I have more time to tend to it. That won't be until I'm heavily sedated after hip surgery, so the end-product should be interesting. Yuck. End-product. I hate corporate speak. And it's seeping into my personal blog. AHHH!!!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but Vegas can't come soon enough!!


A post about my upper lip

Oh Frieda. Photo from here. 

I have been working on a meaningful post inspired by a book I recently read, but it's a bit daunting to work on. I want to get it just right, and since I'm overloaded with writing at work, you'll just have to satiate your craving with this post that just flew out of my ass:

The lady that had the privilege of waxing my upper lip today took one look at my TOMS and said, "Those are...interesting shoes."

I'm always one to think of comebacks thirty minutes after the fact. What I would have said was, "That's an... interesting face." ( Because that would have showed her!)

Instead I said, "Oh they're TOMS."

She says all snobby (Insert high pitched mocking voice), "What's that?"

I say, "You buy a pair of TOMS shoes and TOMS donates a pair to a child in need."

She goes, "Oh."

End of conversation.

Apparently philanthropy is a foreign subject in her world.

She proceeded to ask if I had any children. I said no. She asked if I had done anything exciting yet this summer. I said no. She then asked if I had a dog. I said yes. It was like she was going through all of her awkward conversation starters to try to fill the silence that she created by judging my shoes.

Just shut up and wax my lip. I'm not trying to become best friends. I just want to not look like Frieda Kahlo's stunt double.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but stick to salons you know for your upper lip needs.


Watch Out Sin City...

...I'm coming back!

Boyfriend and I just booked our August trip to Las Vegas! I can't wait. This will be my fourth time to Sin City. The first time I went, my mom took me as my college graduation gift. We had a blast! I even got her to go see Common with me at the House of Blues. What a hip (hop) mom :)

The second time I went with Boyfriend, friends and my future brother and sister-in-law (I'm making assumptions here). It was a blast. I even got brain freeze, as depicted below.

Actually those tall drinks are disgusting. I can't handle the amount of corn syrup in the mix.

Boyfriend enjoyed his first Urban Outfitters experience in Mandalay Bay.

And we had the most delicious dinner at a hidden gem off the strip called Musashi! You HAVE to go there next time your in Vegas. By far, the best teppanyaki I've ever had.

The third time I went to Vegas was for work. Aside from work paying for everything, I don't recommend ever going to Vegas for that. It totally ruined it. I had a hard time focusing on what I was supposed to be doing when the pool was calling my name so loudly. I'd rather enjoy Vegas without the ball and chain that work tends to be.

This trip is sure to be a blast. Boyfriend and I haven't really gone on a trip by ourselves, and this vacation comes at the end of a very busy month for us. This will be a well-deserved week of living it up!


Absolutely Delicious

Yup. It turned out. You can just call me Chef Hana from now on. :o)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rainbow cheesecake will make it all better.


I won!...I think

So here is how my cheesecake turned out! I was baking this damn thing until midnight last night. I won't know if I did it right until we cut into it and serve it up. I was tempted to try it before the party got here, but who serves up a cake that's already been eaten? Tacky!

The top of my cheesecake did turn more golden than the one in the recipe picture. I adjusted the oven racks when I don't think I was supposed to. Also, it was hard to tell if my springform pan was waterproof. The crust looked a bit more soggy than I'd hoped...we'll just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted.

Sticks and stones lessons still pending.


Hana vs. The Kitchen Round 1

A spoonful of happiness! image from tablespoon.com (click recipe below)

Even though it was Friday (and Payday Friday no less) I had a rather annoying day at work. For me, nothing cures those better than a good challenge. In the past, that would consist of pounding it out on the pavement and running for a mile or 10 down the trail. But since that is not an option right now, I thought I'd take another jab at my budding baking skills.

I must have had a really shitty day because I'm in the midst of conquering my biggest culinary challenge yet: a cheesecake! (Okay, so this very colorful recipe caught my eye as I was testing the Internet at work).

As a cheesecake lover for many years, legend had it that they could be tricky to tackle outside of the Cheesecake Factory - I mean come on - cheesecake should always be as easy as asking the waiter to bring out a second piece of Dulce de Leche. (Don't judge me!)

I shied away from even thinking about making my own after hearing horror stories. And I'm still pretty much a baking n00b (it really wasn't that long ago that I discovered how not to burn cookies).

And of course I didn't choose just any cheesecake for my first attempt. I chose a double rainbow cheesecake. Oh yeah. We're still keeping that alive.

What does it mean? I'll tell you what it means: we have four birthdays to celebrate and people are coming over tomorrow. I wanted to do something special to commemorate the birth of my three great friends and my lavah (Boyfriend!). Who knew one could have so many friends born under the astrological sign of Cancer?

So far, the cheesecake has materialized to the point of being in the oven, so I haven't totally effed up yet. The cooling process seems just a tricky as the mixing, separating, food-coloring, layering and baking process that proceeds it. At least I had Feist to keep me calm throughout it all. Oh Feist. Hurry up and release another album so I can continue to keep my sanity.

If this cheesecake is a success, I'll post pics of it when its done. If this cheesecake is a failure, I'll post pics of it when its done. No sticks and stones lessons can be bestowed upon you until we know the outcome of this great duel between me and the kitchen...

dun dun DUN!!


Writing, working, blogging, banking

My writing muscle has been quite sore from work. Lately, the only thing I’ve been able to muster is a snarky facebook status or two. That’s the problem with doing your hobby as your profession. It starts to become something that wears on you rather than something you enjoy doing in your spare time. It's sad, really. 
In better writing news, you guys should check out And Then She Saved tomorrow when my guest post is featured! For those that haven’t been to this site, I found it in the midst of paying off my credit card debt on CNNMoney. Blogger Anna Newell Jones paid off $18,000 in a single year by going on a self-imposed spending fast. Her posts on being frugal and saving money inspired me to write about consumption as a whole (and I did not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 posts about it over the winter). In tomorrow's guest post, I talk about my own issues with spending and how my trip to Africa gave me the epiphany I needed to turn it around (even if it wasn't immediate). So stay tuned :)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my credit card is no longer breaking the bank! 


Take a Look, It's in a Book...

My kids are going to ask, "What are those?"
Like most writers, I’m a huge reader. I look forward to afternoons where I can lose myself in a book for hours, while lounging outside in the sun. I was such a bookworm as a child that I often got in trouble for reading under my desk when I was supposed to be learning other subjects like math and science (boo!).

Recently, I’ve been satiating my book craving, saving money (and space in my house) by going to the library. I hadn’t owned a library card in years and I suddenly had the urge to take advantage of my tax dollars again. The library has been forcing me to quickly get through books before their due dates, so I’ve been quite the reading machine. I wanted to share my favorites so far this year and warn you of the titles to steer clear of.

Race, animals and the end of the world: These are books to stick your nose in

Little Bee: This is the only book I’ve ever read by Chris Cleave, but his writing style is just as creative as his storytelling. His pacing is excellent and his characters engrossing. I could not put this down. By far, one of the best books I’ve ever read.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Funny how I loved a book about cells when the last thing I wanted to do in school was learn about them. What really hooked me to this book was the story behind the science. This true story will make you angry for the Lacks family.

A Dog’s Purpose: This is such a feel-good book. Even if you’re not a dog lover, the lessons behind it are very human. A dog gets reincarnated several times as different breeds throughout his life and every time one of his lives ended I cried. But it was ultimately a happy story.

Water for Elephants: This book has been out for awhile, and I was hesitant to read it due to its circus theme (I’m not really one for carnies). But after the first chapter I was hooked. The author does a great job making you love the characters, and it certainly blows the movie out of the water.

The Help: Set in the South in the 1950s, The Help tells a story of a young, white woman who tries to make a difference in the world by writing about the experiences of the black women who clean the homes in her neighborhood. It’s a revolutionary undertaking, full of twists, turns and lots of ignorant people that will make you want to throw the book in protest. This is another page-turner!

Hunger Games series: I could not put these books down. I’m not much of a fantasy-genre reader, but I do enjoy a good dystopian novel now and again. This series is action-packed, suspenseful and the characters are awesome. I’m not sure I liked how the series ended, but I certainly enjoyed the ride. And can’t wait to see the movie they’re making!

Books that bore: You’ll be wishing you got that time back

Beatrice and Virgil: snore snore snore. I loved Life of Pi which is written by the same author, but this book left me more than disappointed. I was on the last page and still wondering what the hell happened. I kept reading it in hopes that it would get better. It didn’t. It was way too abstract and terrible for my taste.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: I’m a self-confessed twilight nerd but this book certainly did not deliver. In fact, even though it’s all of three pages, I didn’t even finish it. I had already learned my lesson from Beatrice and Virgil.

Freedom: Sorry Oprah, but I have no clue what you saw in this book. This story had a big climb that lead to absolutely nothing. I hated every self-absorbed character in these pages. They were all whiny adults with luxury problems. Save yourself 500+ pages of time and go watch TV.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but my reading recommendations will blow. your. mind. :)


Hips from Hell: an expose on injuries you shouldn't have at 26

H is for Hana! Right?

Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate our nation's Independence, I am trying to enjoy the days until I lose mine for a bit - I finally found out what was wrong with my hip (9 months later), and unfortunately being a gimp is again in my future.

I have a sizable cartilage tear just like they suspected, but I also have an FAI impingement, which means the ball portion of my hip joint is not round like it's supposed to be. It's misshapen on one end which is causing the cartilage tear. I also found out I have scoliosis (wtf) and that one of my legs is a centimeter longer than the other (double wtf). I also have hip dysplasia, which I thought was only a condition dogs got when they were older. Basically, I have the hips (and bones) from hell.

So on Labor Day weekend, I'll go under the knife and the surgeons will cut off the torn cartilage and shave down the misshapen bone. Oh and they have to dislocate my hip joint to do it. Eek! I'll be on crutches for another two weeks and require another round of physical therapy afterwards. It will take 6-9 months for a full recovery and the worst part is, I will not be able to return to running. Eventually they do want me to be able to run on a treadmill for a short amount of time as part of the recovery process, but I am not encouraged to do any of the distance running I was doing before. I run the risk of repeating this injury.

As shitty as that news is, I look forward to being able to everything else I used to enjoy, like yoga, hiking and biking. I won't be able to do it until a year from now (worst case scenario) but I'll be healed just in time for our Spain trip which we postponed for next summer.

In super awesome news, my parents are home! I picked them up from the airport yesterday. My mom was so happy to be back. My sisters made dinner/cake, and I went to their house the day before to help clean and get it ready for their return. My mom was already planning how to help me recover after my surgery, even though she's still very much in her own recovery process. Oh moms. Gotta love 'em :)

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it looks like patience will be my lesson for the rest of the year.


The Gimp Workout

Shake shake shake. Shake shake shake. Shake that Shake Weight.

It's amazing what a little activity and a few meal tweaks will do for your energy and stress levels, not to mention your self-esteem! This is day three of my newly-devised gimp workout and I feel amazingly better already. Okay - I may be icing my knee right now, but that's besides the point.

For about a week, I've completely cut grains out of my breakfast and have been eating two hard-boiled eggs and a small bowl of fruit. Regularly consuming a Costco-sized box of cereal in one week by myself is part of my life story, so this transition is a big deal.

I've also limited my snacks to produce. I've been eating only salads, sandwiches or other vegetable-heavy meals for lunch, and for dinner- well...we're still working on dinner, but two out of three ain't bad! (Just ignore the fact that I had a burger and shake from Triple X this weekend and we'll call it good). Obviously things aren't perfect, but it feels good knowing that I'm eating healthy for most of my meals each day.

My new, gimp workout routine consists of a 30-minute walk with Bowser involving hills, coming home and doing a 10-minute arm workout with my shake weight (I think I've fallen in love), some shoulder work with my free weights, and then another 10 minutes of ab work that doesn't require too much knee bending. Of course I'm not burning the amount of calories I was when I was able to run, but I do work up a little sweat. It certainly beats sitting on the sofa and losing my mind in HGTV everyday after work (although I do love me some House Hunters).

Even if my new routine doesn't do a ton for my waistline, it's doing wonders for my stress level and that's really what I need to get under control. Work has been just a bit too psycho lately so this new routine has been quite refreshing.

In more good news, my mom gets to move home from San Francisco soon! They're hoping about another week and they can come home for good. It wasn't like I saw my folks a ton when they were nearby, but knowing they're not an hour drive away makes me miss them a ton. I'll be excited that life can get back to being somewhat normal after these last few crazy years.

In the spirit of making positive changes and celebrating happy things, I was watching HBO's Treme last night after the premier of True Blood (which btw, OMG!!! I'm off to watch the next episode online because I don't think I can contain myself) and instead of my usual sticks and stones send off, I thought I'd share some quotes I heard on the show that made me smile: I'm too blessed to be stressed. Life is short, so let's play a song!



Bowser, maxin and relaxin in his frog pose, all day, everyday. 

Ahh. This has been the most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time. Work has been draining and I've had errands or obligations on my days off all month. Not that my weekends haven't been enjoyable - just busy.

We had friends over for a BBQ Friday, Boyfriend and I had date night last night (go see Super 8!), and this morning, I treated myself to my very first facial, eyebrow and lip wax (hey even the best of us get lady 'staches and uni-brows). And as luck would have it, when I got home, HBO is running a True Blood marathon all day. The only thing missing this weekend is my dad!

We celebrated Father's Day a week early. My dad was up last weekend visiting for my sister's high school graduation. And boy, did that make me feel suuuuuper old. Her and I are nearly nine years apart. I couldn't believe how high the stilettos were that all the high school girls were wearing with their cap and gown! We all wore flip flops to graduation back in my day. I wouldn't even wear those kinds of shoes now - not because I think they're hoochie (well some of them were) - but I'd break my neck before I took a single step. Plus my hip/knee situation doesn't allow for such luxuries as high heels.

As promised in my last entry, I finally invested in a Shake Weight (Boyfriend drove me to Target yesterday so I wouldn't be "lying to my readers"). Holy cow, that thing is no joke! I could barely shake it for a minute straight, and they recommend six minutes to get the full arm workout. All I know is despite my muffin top, I'm going to have Michelle Obama arms by the end of the summer. Since I can't do road races, maybe I can start a shake weight competition and turn that into an endurance sport. How ridiculous would that be? If I got to have Shake Weight competitions, I would require this warning to be posted everywhere, just in case anyone forgot:

This has nothing to do with anything, but I've been trying to convince Boyfriend that we need to adopt this dog, Chewbaca from our local rescue shelter. It's so cute and awesome that I had to share it - if I can't have her, somebody has got to adopt this girl!

Anyway, on to another week!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but relaxing weekends are key to staying sane.


Attack of the Muffin Top

Last weekend, I fatefully took my summer shorts out of hiding only to need an emergency shot of tequila to cope afterwards. I just about fainted trying button them up. I was just wearing them in Hawaii six months ago and I was experiencing a Costco-sized muffin top - the worst part was, they weren't even buttoned!

Not being able to work out due to my injuries has been quite frustrating. I miss running so much that I it pisses me off when my Runner's World magazine shows up in my mailbox. So I cancelled that subscription to avoid the ensuing rage blackouts.

But I'll admit, since most fitness activities have not been an option, I haven't done much in the way of improving my eating habits. I wasn't the best eater even when I was training for half marathons, but I was running so many miles each week that I was burning it all off.

With that said, I think I'm going to invest in a shake weight. When you're done laughing hear me out - it appears to be the only workout I can do since it doesn't involve my legs. Everything I've read has also affirmed that this goofy product actually works. I'll head to Target later today and let you know how it turns out. With my luck I'll have another ER story to tell.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but injuries and cupcakes will bust your gut.


When Bad Writing Attacks

Kid, I totally feel you. Image from here.

I've had to bring work home today. It's open in another window which I should be diligently typing in, but I just. can't. do. it.

It's been one of those days where everything I write is complete shit. For example, this was the best lead I could come up with for this human interest piece I'm working on:

"Growing up on the Northern Beaches of New South Wales, there was no doubt that Joe Schmo [name has been changed] would be a water baby.

He was such a water baby in fact, that by the age of three, he was already on swimming squads."

For my next sentence, I really want to type "I'm sorry you just had to read that. You can stop now."

That's all I could muster. This article is supposed to be a masterpiece by tomorrow and I'm just word vomiting it up.

These are the days I hate being a writer; When I can't beckon my creative mojo to do it's thang. Usually I can just whack out a back page story with the same ease at which I can dominate a red velvet cupcake. But today, my mojo has taken a vacation and has left me to my own defenses. Damn you, mojo.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but bad leads will break your writing career.


Magic Kudos

Rentersinsurance.org gave my Worst Roommate EVER post kudos. When I checked my blog stats today, I noticed that someone got to my blog through that site and I thought, "How on earth is someone getting to my blog through a renters insurance site?"

So I followed up, and voila! Magic kudos had been there for a year that I didn't even know about. Just click on their new title for my blog, "Another Nominee for Worst Roommate Ever." If you want to loop back and forth between blogs that is :)

And by the way, it's finally sunny and warm here in the Pacific Northwest- and on a Friday! I hope good weather finds you all this weekend as well.

TTFN! Ta Ta For Now! :)